Nations Levy Airline 'AIDS Tax' on Passengers

Point of information:
Top Ten Causes of Death Worldwide - High-Income Countries

Heart disease
Lung cancer
Lower respiratory infections
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Colon and rectum cancers
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Type 2 diabetes
Breast Cancer
Stomach cancer

Top Ten Causes of Death Worldwide - Low- to Middle-Income Countries

Heart disease
Lower respiratory infections
Perinatal (unborn/newborn) conditions
Chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Road traffic accidents

And Winky, I think a lot of people in the middle-east would consider your climate "temperate." ;)
HomeLAN said:
I did a google search on US cancer deaths by type and came up with lung, breast, prostate. :shrug:
I think you have to ignore prostate cancer symptoms rather aggressively in order for it to become terminal. OTOH, not scientific but of the people I know who've died of cancer, more have died of stomach cancer than any other. Dara says lung cancer is number one (oncology nurse, remember) although her mom died of stomach cancer.
The issue with both prostate and colon is that the tests to detect it are less than desirable.

I'll guarantee you that millions of men have died over the past few decades because they just couldn't tolerate the thought of a finger up the ass.
HomeLAN said:
Au contraire, mon frer. As an ex-smoker, you should know the fallacy in that remark as much as anyone.

Remember that I don't believe that smoking causes cancer.

Also remember that I don't want to give anybody anything. I was simply making a point. :hippy:
Gonz said:
Remember that I don't believe that smoking causes cancer.

Actually, this is true. Smoking has never been said to 'cause' cancer by anyone in the know. In fact, the best description of the process was given to me by a lung cancer specialist. To paraphrase "Smoking is akin to holding your head under water. The longer you do it, the more chance of drowning. But you're also increasing the risk of a heart attack (from holding your breath) stroke (from holding your breath) and other silly things that you really wouldn't attribute to drowning.

Cigarette smoke introduces your cells to an environment which makes it easier for rogue cells to form, and survive. Certain chemicals in the smoke have been shown to act as a catalyst. It's tough to prove that a catlyst does anything, since it's not consumed during the reaction. But noone doubts that they catalytic convertor on their cars work.

But, at the same time, the rogue cells have to form in the first place. While it's easier in a smoke filled environment, it's by no means certain. The initial factor is genetics. You see, cancer isn't an outside life form attacking, it's your own cells .... just acting badly. Some people are more pre-disposed to having rogue cells. Others aren't. That's why you'll get a 90 year old smoker, and have a kid of 20 die of cancer without smoking a day in his life. Thousands of people get cancer daily, and their own immune system takes care of it, with noone the wiser. Just like a cold, some people will crash and be down for days, and some will barely show a sniffle. The smoke just shifts the odds in the rogue's favour."

I imagine she dumbed it down quite a bit for me, and it was over a decade ago that the conversation took place, but that was the gist of it.

Personally, I'll not loose any sleep over the fact that there's not a public indoor place anywhere in quebec that someone can light up anymore. After all, my taxes go to pay for their mistakes. In countries where you pay for your own health costs ... spark it up. Have a good time.
OK. so we have a homosexual or intervenous drug user whose lifestyle choices have dramatically increased his chances to catch HIV. And then, we have a smoker who has greatly increased his chances to get several forms of cancer due to a lifestyle choice.

My comment regarding Gonz's statement stands. Twist all you want, the stats back me up, and it IS apples to apples.
HomeLAN said:
OK. so we have a homosexual or intervenous drug user whose lifestyle choices have dramatically increased his chances to catch HIV. And then, we have a smoker who has greatly increased his chances to get several forms of cancer due to a lifestyle choice.

My comment regarding Gonz's statement stands. Twist all you want, the stats back me up, and it IS apples to apples.
Yep. Semantic bullshit. Technically, nobody is dead until their heart fails, regardless of how many bullets went through it. If your going to smoke, smoke. I could quite frankly give a fuck if I wanted to work at it hard enough. Don't try to pretend it doesn't kill anyone.
chcr said:
Yep. Semantic bullshit. Technically, nobody is dead until their heart fails, regardless of how many bullets went through it. If your going to smoke, smoke. I could quite frankly give a fuck if I wanted to work at it hard enough. Don't try to pretend it doesn't kill anyone.

And don't expect others to shell out for it.
Professur said:
But, at the same time, the rogue cells have to form in the first place. While it's easier in a smoke filled environment, it's by no means certain. The initial factor is genetics. The smoke just shifts the odds in the rogue's favour."

That's my take on it. Smoking may exaserbate a situation that already exists but it is not the cause to the abnormalitites.

There's a public service announcement on the radio quite a bit, several of them actually, from (I think) about the evil horrors of smoking & how it kills every third person on the globe & how second-hand smoke kills everybody else & those not yet dead are just lucky but will die soon because Brown & Willaimson or Phillip Morris want them dead. It is filled with so much misinformation & twisted truth that whitelies is an apt title.

Smoking has never been the "Cause of Death".
IV drug users & sexual activity with an infected partner actually introduce a virus into the system. Smoking does not do that.
Who cares about the exact mechanism? My point is that in both cases, a lifestyle choice has greatly increased your exposure.

This is in direct conflict with your statement that cancer patients don't "ask for it".
Neither was I. Read again, sunshine. Lung isn't the only type for which smoking increases your chances. Do try to keep up.
Gonz said:
That's my take on it. Smoking may exaserbate a situation that already exists but it is not the cause to the abnormalitites.

Go back and read it again, Gonz. That's not what I said at all.
HomeLAN-I made a general statement about most folks not getting cancer by choice (open ended statement). There are all types of cancer & smoking wasn't in the particualr equation. You said that statement was false & smoking was a choice. Bish brought up lung, in particualr & you added other smoking related issues to the mix. Again, I never mentioned smoking or what brand of cancer.

you said:
But, at the same time, the rogue cells have to form in the first place. While it's easier in a smoke filled environment, it's by no means certain. The initial factor is genetics. The smoke just shifts the odds in the rogue's favour[/b[."

That's what I see as ther key to your staement.
Gonz said:
HomeLAN-I made a general statement about most folks not getting cancer by choice (open ended statement). There are all types of cancer & smoking wasn't in the particualr equation. You said that statement was false & smoking was a choice. Bish brought up lung, in particualr & you added other smoking related issues to the mix. Again, I never mentioned smoking or what brand of cancer.

And yet, you said that cancer patients don't ask for it (which I read as making choices which greatly exposed them to the disease). In the case of millions of smokers, that simply isn't true.