naturally messy?

Want to see "naturally messy"? Just take a look at my car after my wife's been driving it all day.
Sharky said:
Goodness gracious, I thought that was strictly a Florida thing. :lloyd:

well...i'm sorta a transplant...born in orlando. lived in kissimee, and later in pensacola. you got me...
I go from one extreme to the other. My house has some messy rooms, others are anal-clean.
I guess that I switch from one personality to another too often to notice that I'm actually the guy cleaning up after myself, and also the one I'm screaming at for leaving such a friggin mess all over the place. :)

House renovations never cease.

Tore up the basement floor, replaces all the 2X2's with 2X3's and relaid shims and plywood - still have to lay down my floating floor
Pull up all the wall-to-wall
Repainted the house (over the past two years)
you should see what I did with the kid's room!

I HAVE to put up photos one day!
AnomalousEntity said:
I bought a PDA and my wallet is about 1/3 the thickness it used to be, all my little post it notes and torn sheets of paper are in the trash, and my desk looks alot better.

The best part is I can make plans on the fly and get into contact with people without stressing over their numbers etc.

Plus I keep all my emergency info, insurance info, allergies, medical history, buisness contacts, job references, emplyee phone numbers, to do lists, etc etc all in one small device that I can also take pictures of bad cops beating people on the side of the road with while listening to my Mp3s and play video games.

Did the same thing, except used my phone instead. Took it into the Sprint store to have it updated and they fried it, thus losing everything I had. Word to the wise, back that ish up. Not just to a computer either. ;)
I used to be really tidy but after 7 years of kids and housework I really don't give a shit. Let someone else do it for a change... I'm bored stiff. My house is clean but it's lived in... I bloody hate gardening as well... frigging weeds!!!
Well my house looks like a bomb went off at the moment... but that's because of the school holidays, usually it's well regimented, but I do to have off weeks although my kitchen and bathroom are usually spotless... it's the other rooms that suck. ;)
AliBop said:
I used to be really tidy but after 7 years of kids and housework I really don't give a shit. Let someone else do it for a change... I'm bored stiff. My house is clean but it's lived in... I bloody hate gardening as well... frigging weeds!!!

A kindred spirit.... god I hate grass... the kind you cut that is... :D
Aunty Em said:
A kindred spirit.... god I hate grass... the kind you cut that is... :D

Tell me about it... if I could dry it out and smoke it then there wouldn't be a problem... :D
I guess I'm rather neat - at least I'm not anal about it, if it's a mess it's fine, if not that's also fine. But I hate it when things start getting out of hand & I cannot find my stuff. Or when other people have been digging in my stuff, or rearranged it - that drives me insane.
I like my house to be clean buy yeah, I'm naturally messy (or chronically chaotic).

It took me 20mins to find a CD the other night.........and that was just on my desk :eh:
i live in a very small house and i have 2 small children, my house is very cluttered. it's clean, i clean it all the time, it's just that i lose the war with all the stuff shifting places around the house.
tonks said:
i live in a very small house and i have 2 small children, my house is very cluttered. it's clean, i clean it all the time, it's just that i lose the war with all the stuff shifting places around the house.

Ever notice how clutter seems to breed in the night & sorta just creep up on you when ye least expect it? Like when some really important guests decide to drop in on a Sunday night?
AlphaTroll said:
Ever notice how clutter seems to breed in the night & sorta just creep up on you when ye least expect it? Like when some really important guests decide to drop in on a Sunday night?
EXACTLY! or your landlord drops by unannounced...
Even when it looks like there's been a wild party, I usually know where to find things.

I used to be a chronic hoarder, but these days I'm a chronic recycler... anything not in use or tied down gets removed to the recycling bins...and I give things away or hold a carboot/garage sale regularly... you won't find a newspaper more than a week old in my house...

The more possessions you have the worse the mess it seems to me. :)
re : naturally messy?

my firend and i were bored drinking wine one day and i started picking at the wall paper in our rental house and before you knew it the room was stipped clean, shit everywhere, we recreated the entire house, and painted it all a deep red wine colour, absolutely beautiful. two girls in a house with power tools. i love it, fond memories.
Sal, you and i live forever together:winkkiss:
freako104 said:
i am naturally messy but i try to clean up. but i am a bit of a slob

it's sad but i can't function with day to day living if the house isn't tidy. i go through properly once a week and keep up with the rest of the week. if i need to decorate a room i cant do it until every where is clean..weird i know because when you are decorating or doing a bit of DIY every room in your place seems to get messed up.