Nature in the City


Staff member
We just saw a beaver! There's a stream on our way to school, and as we walked by, there he was!

I've never seen one outside of preserves and zoos. He was great! He's building two dams, one in the culvert that goes under the street, so if he keeps at it the stream will be a raging river.

That was a very cool morning walk.
I had thought about calling (I guess the MNR?). It's right by an elementary and a high school, which both have kids in them.
not that I would anyway, cause I think pest is relative as I am a commie hippie freak,

but I don't think we're prolly allowed to hurt beavers.
In 7th grade English class we were reading a book, beavers were part of the story. Indians were hunting for food and killed one. Some kid in the class, don't remember who it was, raised his hand and asked the 60 year old grandmother like teacher: "Mrs. Carl, have you ever eaten beaver?" snicker snicker.
Her reply: "Why yes I have and it was pretty good!"
Smartass kid: "Did you like it?"
Teacher: "It was very tasty, prepared well"
Kid: "Did it tase like tuna?"
Teacher: "No, it was prepared like a potroast, with carrots and potatoes and celery in a crockpot".

I almost pissed my pants that day.
I don't know why you're so delighted to see a beaver. It's the same as seeing a rabbit or a squirrel...or a rat. A rodent is a rodent is a rodent...:nerd:
I like rodents. :lloyd:

Just...even being that it is a national symbol, I have never actually managed to see one. It was cool seeing him do his thing a block from downtown here. I go all googoo over that kinda stuff.

I even went all googoo over the coon I chased off the deck the other night. I really wanted to go pet it and give it a cookie. But I tried to keep in mind it'd scratch my face off, and then bring all its friends for cookies.
Raccoon, meet 5 iron. 5 iron, meat raccoon.

I'd have used my driver, but it's wood, and getting the blood off it's a real bitch.
The recycling food bin has been a good thing. They haven't figured out how to open that one "yet" *knocks wood*. So as long as all the food goes in there, trash is once again safe unattended outside.
Raccoons are, by and large, THE major carriers of rabies down here. Might want to bear that in mind before you pick one of the little fuckers up for a snuggle.

Professur said:
But, but, wabbits are sooooo quuuuuteeeee. Of course, squirrels are moving speedbumps.

Odd thing. The squirrels in my 'hood have suddenly become kamikazes. I passed 7 squirrel corpses in the middle of the street during a one mile journey to drop my kid off for a play-date at the back of the neighborhood. On the way back, I had to actively dodge two more.

Must be something in the water.
I'm lucky that we don't have 'coons out by where I live. Hares and skunks a plenty, but neither can take apart a garbage quite as effectively as a raccoon can.