I have to agree with most of Gonz's points, especially the part about all the retarded 'opression' classes in the last paragraph.
It's one thing for the school to teach kids reading, writing, math, science, etc. Nothing wrong with that. But to have them teach you what to think, no, not acceptable at all.
For example, a month ago, my English teacher asked the class to write a short paper about racism in literature, i.e. whether certain books should be banned from schools and public libraries for expressing 'racist' views. It was one of those 'What do you think about _____ controversy?' papers, so in two pages, I eloquently said "Anyone who wants to ban a book has their head so far up their ass that it is coming out of their mouth" in a way that would make Gonz and the usual gang of RW flamers proud. Needless to say, the school wants to teach 'tolerence', so I get a F on the paper and nearly get suspended for writing my honest opinion.
In every lesson in History, there's a small section dedicated solely to women and blacks. For example, on our WWI unit, there was like one black dude to get the Medal of Honor and like ten white dudes. Who do they write the paragraph about? The black guy. How he was all brave and shit. White guys aren't even mentioned.
You know, I read aa series of excellent books that used science fiction to discuss politics and stuff. In it, there's this country, with two groups of people, Anders and Hakens. Anders are considered better than everyone else and the Hakens are treated like peasants. They are always being pushed around by the Anders and they need to go to 'lessons' where an Ander talks about all the horrible crimes that Hakens committed against Anders and how the Hakens invaded the Ander's country. So much that the Hakens honestly feel that they are worthless and horrible. There was a powerful weapon that worked by sound. Huge stone bells would kill anything in front of them, while keeping the people behind them safe. The Hakens were taught that Hakens made the weapons and used them on innocent people. The intrepid main character, who is smart, looks at the bells and realizes that they could only be possibly used as defensive weapons and that they were built long before Hakens invaded. He also finds out that the Haken invaders brought with them advanced technology, and without the Haken invasion, Anders would still be living in mud huts. Anyway, it was really deep, and it was so obviously talking about Affirmative Action and the like.