need geology/environment topic!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have to have an outline for my geology paper. Due tomorrow (the outline, not the paper), it has to be over something related to the class, "Energy Resources and the Environment."

I was thinking about using my biomass case from high school debate (topic was renewable energy). :D Or the effects of atomic testing in Nevada which I've done a few papers on already.

Writing papers is not hard to me. At all. In fact, it actually is somewhat detrimental because I'll forget I have them or procrastinate (like now). :retard:

So anyway, I'm open to any fun ideas. He wants lots of published sources, which I have four tubs' worth of information on renewable engery (albeit somewhat dated since it was nearly 6 years ago now) and less from "internet sources." No biggie, I just need to decide on a topic. :)

That's YOUR job. :wink2: Outline is due at 11 tomorrow morning.
Heatpipes? Never even heard of those. May I have the Readers Digest version, please?
They use a capillary action to transfer geothermal energy back to the surface where it can be used to heat water, homes, marshmellows....:D
Ah! Geothermal! I remember that....I have some stuff on it too. I'll look into it and see if I can find any good recent stuff for comparison. :wink2:
That looks like a topical application of the technology. The ones I was thinking of are actually drilled into the ground to tap the thermal energy. The temp rises approximately 1 degree/foot once you've cleared the surface effect.
according to the anti-smoking nazi's

"Smoking is cool. It's 55 at six feet under."

now, a more serious option...does it has to be geology related? or just a general energy & environment topic?
otherwise it could be nice to take a look at nuclear fusion perhaps :)
Pretty much anything related to the topic of the class. I turned in my topic as geothermal, and I just looked at the syllabus--geothermal is the topic of lecture for week after next. :D That could be both good and bad, so we'll see.
Shadowfax said:
geothermal is highly uninteresting....but that is my opinion :D

I feel the same way for fission/fusion.

SO :p

Thanks all....except shadowfax......ok, so thanks to you too ;) :p
Done that one before....did you know the State of California actually has a government entity whose sole purpose is to shovel up the dead birds and insects that pile below the wind farms? With out the department doing the clean up, the carcasses will attract more birds, and thus multiply the problem. Also, one of the major costs is insects and birds jamming the shaft of the generator (behind the blades) and actually cementing the mill solid, keeping it from spinning.

Useless Factiod of the Day #7812: NOW you KNOW :p