Need help with choppy audio


New Member
I have this annoying thing that happens when I'm trying to listen to music while surfing. Whenever I type anything, the audio gets all choppy. I've tried setting the service's priority to high in task manager for both iTunes and Winamp but that didn't help.

I just upgraded my CPU to 2ghz recently and have 1gb of PC3100 memory. I don't think it's my specs that are the problem.

I'm watching the performance as I'm tyaping and the highest the CPU usage is getting is 30%. The available memory is 740mb.

Is there anything I can do to remedy this? It's annoying.

Thanks. :)
Weird...with those specs, it should play music when you're doing damned near anything. Sorry,

Clueless in the Fort

[edit]hardware acceleration?
Creative SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 (model #S80060). An oldie, for sure. My keyboard is PS2, I've been using it as long as the sound card. I don't remember it always being this way but definitely at least for 6 months to a year.
HomeLAN said:
Updated drivers on the soundcard? Using the newest version of your playback software?
Good idea, I just updated the audio drivers, although I have to reboot to finish the installation and I've got 9 windows running for work so I think I'll have to wait to see if it works. Besides, I have to get done with work soon, I have a play-date this afternoon. :D

iTunes just came out with a new version this week which I haven't downloaded yet but it was a problem before anyway.

I'll let you know, thanks. :)
Updated the drivers, patches etc, and nothing works upon reboot, no sound from the speakers. Errors all over the place. So I uninstall and try to reinstall all components, even the sw bullshit the foist on you, only to get errors that dll's are being overwritten with older versions that might make Windows unstable, please insert Windows 2000 CD (of which I have 5, none of them worked)...

So I uninstalled everything, reinstalled everything, same dealie. Decided I needed another solution and then remembered that I had the foresight to order a new motherboard last year that has onboard audio. Plugged it in, and voila! Not only does the audio work again, it sounds the same to me as the PCI card's audio and no choppiness!

Halleluja. Thanks for the advice. :D
SoundBlaster, for being teh #1 selling card around, is nothing but trouble.
Yay. So, the card itself was the issue.

Doncha just loooove that type of problem. Could be 1,000 things, take yer best guess. Sorry it sucked.
I dunno, SoundBlaster cards have always worked well for me. I'm using one right now, and it sounds a good bit better than the onboard audio on this motherboard.
Something you might try is disabling that onboard audio in the bios, then try the soundblaster again. Might have been having conflicts there.
Here's another option for ya, greenie :)


and it is XP friendly AND works well with MACs ;)
Gonz said:
SoundBlaster, for being teh #1 selling card around, is nothing but trouble.
i'm still using my old school sound blaster live! value and i love it. even being the oldest component in my desktop it still sounds way better than any onboard i've ever heard.

hey greenie, do you have DMA enabled for all of your ide devices? i've seen a harddrive in PIO-mode cause choppiness before.