need help


Well-Known Member
a friedn of mine this morning took a bunch of pain killers and wants to die. i want to knwo what i can do for him cause i have lost a friedn to death in first grade and dont want it to happen again. if someone has some advice please share as i dont want him to die.
he needs help, medical help, without that, there isn't much help you can give unfortunately, besides encouraging him to go.
call the cops before it's too late

i once told someone to go to the hospital when something was wrong. they ignored me and things got worse. don't ignore what i am saying if this is real.
call 911 to make sure he lives in the first place, after he got into the hospital, make sure he gets medical and psychological help.
having friends around will help there for him.

nothing more you can do at the moment, just make sure he'll be ok until he can think logically again
i spoke to him right after i posted this thread i left so i didnt read any of the messages. i did talk to campus security and they gave the number for Montgomery county help lines. i gave him the number he still has it. he was doing a lot better although i still am worried because the pain killers he took were valucodine. he took 8. i did not call 911 as he did not want me to call. i thank you all for the help. hes doing better but im still worried about him. thanks again for being there everyone.
AFTER calling 911 if it's life threatoning........
How much of what pills?
If he's talking about suicide he needs immidiate intervention of some type. Don't minimize the situation at all. Anytime anyone talks about suicide it is a matter of life and death even if it's only a cry for help!
hes in class i never minimised it and i am well aware of it beign life and death but i had never dealt with this before(people had talked about suicide to me but never actully did anything like this. he will not be out of class til about 440 or so but he has promised me and my friends who were with him that he would not do anything bad plus me and a friend are walking him to the crisis centre after his class.
freako104 said:
i did not call 911 as he did not want me to call.

You should have done the call anyway, he tried to commit suicide, i'd not trust his judgement for now.
i think i tried 1 vicodin a long time ago when i fell down some steps. it made me goofy 'er than hell. i can't imagine taking 8 of them.
I recently went on some vicodin after my foot injury. All it did was make me giggly. But I'm 300lbs and that was only 1 pill. 8 must be dangerous.
The condition of your body affects how it can handle the drug, too.

Any updates?
yes hes doing quite better and he has promised that he wont do this again and he learend that his friends will always be there for him no matter what it is hes going through. thoguh we didnt take him to the crsis centre like i wanted to but my mother came on campus to see if hes allright and to help out. he did eat which helped digest the drugs. he isnt on campus and i wont see him til monday so im still nervous but im more relaxed now. and ive said before but thanks everyone for the help you offered and the support. this place has helped me feel better and have fun no matter what im going through saem with jjr512 and xibase. thanks all.
i really think he should have gotten some help. people who try to commit suicide sometimes try it more than once if they become depressed again. if you really want to help him, read up on it and learn more about how to help people like him if he is really someone you care about.
i do hes like a brother to me hes one of my best friends. actully bubba this is why i take psych courses is so ill know how to help. he himself also said hes too scared to ever take his own life he wants to live but that he was very depressed but that what he did was way to drastic
I agree with Bubba though, freako, he needs some professional help. I know you are a great friend to him, and he says he's not going to do it again, but often those people do. I'd really recommend taking him to the crisis center at least and have them do a screening.
i am still worried about him but you knwo i cant make him go. plus i was basically trying to do everything he wanted me to. i did contact my campus security although he wasnt very happy about that. he didnt want me to dial 911 which i didnt do at that request. i trust him not to but you are right. there is a chance he wll again. so i still have that fear hell do it. i hope not though.