Just a quick statement on this point. The 'leftist media' is trying to denegrate the war, the President who sent the boys and girls in uniform into said war, and the reasoning behind said war...but not the soldiers themselves.
The statement that many espouse (equate knocking the war with knocking the soldiers) is a fallacy by the right-wing's rabid attempt to denigrate democratic ideology and left-leaning people.
Just a quick statement on this point. The 'leftist media' is trying to denegrate the war, the President who sent the boys and girls in uniform into said war, and the reasoning behind said war...
Once again...we, the troops, do not get to pick the fights we get into. If you have a problem with the fight, then you shouldn't have gotten us involved in the first place. Once you get us involved, you're down to two choices...support us, or not.
So, pay attention much?
Deflect much?
It's simpky not their job. Opinion journalism is an oxymoron. If one presents a story as news (DAn Rather & memogate) when it's clearly agenda driven it destroys credibility. Rush Limbaugfh or Keith Obermnan can yell from the rooftops...they aren't journalists.
Present the facts of the story & allow the viewer/listener/reader to decide.
It's ridiculous when people post agenda driven opinion bullshit here as if we're supposed to take it seriously. Right?
Once again...we, the troops, do not get to pick the fights we get into. If you have a problem with the fight, then you shouldn't have gotten us involved in the first place. Once you get us involved, you're down to two choices...support us, or not. You don't wait til the fight starts and then decide that it isn't worth it. You finish what you start, and you do it in such a way as to not marginalize those in harms way. If the reasons for starting an action were wrong, or misguided, then you deal with that after the action is over by changing the government...you know...voting? You do not do what San Francisco is doing, by allowing protestors to set up shop outside a recruiting station. You do not do what Fred Phelps is doing, by protesting funerals. You don't do what Cindy Sheehan did, by camping outside someones private residence, because that won't make any difference on the homefront, but it will cause anger, frustration, and a certain amount of disdain in those you, through your government proxies, sent to fight.
You cannot honor someone without honoring what they fight for. You think you can, but theres a huge amount of contradiction in that statement because they do not support each other.
Not really... I'm not an american democrat. I'm a NDP and-or Liberal supporter (Canadian).You get to http://www.democraticunderground.com much? If you did you might rethink that post.
I'm not a journalist. I don't play one on TV. The article is an opinion piece, written using facts to make a point. Facts that would have n o place in a journalistic piece.
"Today, President Obama proposed legislation to give all the rich folks money to the poor folks" is news. "Today, President Obama proposed legislation to give all the rich folks money to the poor folks in a manner much like LBJ" is spin.
Not really... I'm not an american democrat. I'm a NDP and-or Liberal supporter (Canadian).
But I suppose that I can visit the site and see what the hubbub's about if you insist.![]()
yet you're feeding it to me - a cannuckistani liberal?A great reference source when looking for those who truly hate America and her soldiers. The vitriol spewed there is breathtaking in its zeal and fervor.
Yep, paying attention to the fact that you posted some summary of what happened without a link.
Deflect what? You don't like reading about examples of real media bias?
I suppose you prefer the fantasy bias.
Pssst! First page. Post #33.Starts at paragraph #5 in link.
Deflect from the OP of the media's slanted coverage of the incidents in Haditha
and non-coverage after the fact of acquittal.
I'm not a journalist. I don't play one on TV. The article is an opinion piece, written using facts to make a point. Facts that would have n o place in a journalistic piece.
Remember. If it is an opinion piece, regardless of the facts cited from any legitimate news source or story as reference, the piece is pure bullshit in Spike's mind. Opinion based upon fact is just opinion regardless of the truth, the sources, or the attribution or veracity of those sources. All of the references become lies and mythology as soon as they are used in anyone's opinion piece. WWII never happened if it is referenced in an opinion piece.
So since we already proved the OP wrong I gave some examples of actual real media bias.
"I'm always happy to hear the military acts honorably."
"Anyone see any explanation of how these civilians got killed? Or is that being suppressed?"
"Men, women, and children killed as they swept through 3 houses? Not enough detail that article really to tell why that was needed."