New can of worms...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Is the rise in homosexuality a direct result of the single-parent household, the high divorce rate, and the increasing effect of pornography upon the public?

I think it is, but that's my opinion. What do the rest of you think?
I think there's no rise in homosexuality, just more people willing to make it public.
I, personally, think it's a result of too many people on the planet. Perhaps it's natures way of population control.
tonksy said:
I, personally, think it's a result of too many people on the planet. Perhaps it's natures way of population control.

Naah. We have wars for that. ;)

On topic...I don't think there are more, per capita, they've just become louder & more irritating.

A note to all humans...don't tell us who you sleep with & we won't make a fuss about your choices. If you want to talk about it, expect backlash (Brad & Jen or Adam & Steve)
Okay. Let's add Luis' observation to the equation...that the number of homosexuals per capita has not increased...just their willingness to 'go public'. Can this also be ascribed to the breakup of marriage and the lack of a role model for the child to emulate? (which is what I meant by single-parent home)...
The very essence of the modern homosexual agenda is ME ME ME (though they are not alone in that thinking). Of course lacking a proper role model as wel as the sudden decline of society to place limits & consequences on actions has lessened the inhibition factor.
The same can pretty much be said for the heterosexual agenda. :shrug:

I think that Gato's theory is in reverse.

The acceptance that people are born homosexual and the lessening in social presseures against homosexuality is allowing more people to 'come out' to themselves, their families and friends...which is in turn causing an increase in the divorce rate which leads to single-parent families.
This happens when homosexuals who were forced or pressured into heterosexual relationships accept their true sexuality and stop lying to their spouces...ending the relationship.

As for porn...I don't see the connection between homosexuality and porn. i do see one between the internet and porn...and as more and more people join the internet, more porn will come out.

The anti-porn backlash with get bigger can readily be seen in the Janet Jackson NippleGate scandal.
MrBishop said:
The acceptance that people are born homosexual and the lessening in social presseures against homosexuality is allowing more people to 'come out' to themselves, their families and friends...which is in turn causing an increase in the divorce rate which leads to single-parent families.
This happens when homosexuals who were forced or pressured into heterosexual relationships accept their true sexuality and stop lying to their spouces...ending the relationship.

Okay...this is the meat of our disagreement over homosexuality, which is not being addressed in this thread. I believe that it is a lifestyle choice because no genetic or biological reason can be found for it's existence. You may disagree with that, but :shrug:, biology is not being discussed in this thread. Just society...and that means nurture, and not nature.

MrBishop said:
As for porn...I don't see the connection between homosexuality and porn. i do see one between the internet and porn...and as more and more people join the internet, more porn will come out.

So the acceptance of alternative lifestyles in porn has no correlation to the acceptance of alternative lifestyles elsewhere? Interesting...

MrBishop said:
The anti-porn backlash with get bigger can readily be seen in the Janet Jackson NippleGate scandal.

Not too many people want to see a 40 year old titty on their screen during the superbowl. Also...before you mention starts over 40 showing their bodies...there is a difference between pay TV and prime-time TV.
Gato_Solo said:
Okay...this is the meat of our disagreement over homosexuality, which is not being addressed in this thread. I believe that it is a lifestyle choice because no genetic or biological reason can be found for it's existence. You may disagree with that, but :shrug:, biology is not being discussed in this thread. Just society...and that means nurture, and not nature..
Yeah...but you're saying that divorce causes the choice of homosexuality, or that being brought up in a 1-parent household causes homosexuality. Homosexuality has been around much longer than the relativly recent increase in divorce. I'd hazard to say that as many homosexuals come out of functional 2-parent households as do from divorced households.

Gato_Solo said:
So the acceptance of alternative lifestyles in porn has no correlation to the acceptance of alternative lifestyles elsewhere? Interesting....
Most porn is still heterosexual in nature...with lesbain porn being the exception. Mind you, lesbian porn is being watched by heterosexual males.

Gato_Solo said:
Not too many people want to see a 40 year old titty on their screen during the superbowl. Also...before you mention starts over 40 showing their bodies...there is a difference between pay TV and prime-time TV.
Not just any 40yr old titty.... Ms Jackson's 40 year old titty... that's a whole other D-cup of fish. :D was just a 1 second glimpse of a nipple...hardly full-frontal nudity with penetration, eh
MrBishop said:
Yeah...but you're saying that divorce causes the choice of homosexuality, or that being brought up in a 1-parent household causes homosexuality. Homosexuality has been around much longer than the relativly recent increase in divorce. I'd hazard to say that as many homosexuals come out of functional 2-parent households as do from divorced households.

Nope. Just that it may make that choice easier. It may have been around longer, but it hasn't been vocal. While your opinion is valid, so is mine because I can't find anything on either side. I've looked.

Most porn is still heterosexual in nature...with lesbain porn being the exception. Mind you, lesbian porn is being watched by heterosexual males.

Most porn is heterosexual because most people are heterosexual, however, that it's not just homosexuality, either. It's all alternative lifestyles being presented, and watched, by heterosexuals. Even if it's that 30-second flash being skipped/fast forwarded through, it's still there. Psychologists have a term for this...desensitization.

MrBishop said:
Not just any 40yr old titty.... Ms Jackson's 40 year old titty... that's a whole other D-cup of fish. :D was just a 1 second glimpse of a nipple...hardly full-frontal nudity with penetration, eh

It was still a 40 year old titty. And it was less than one second. The reaction was extreme, though, as black women's breasts have been exposed on prime-time TV before in the past. Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, with Marlin Perkins comes to we must assume that it was not the breast, but the perkiness, size, shape, and nationality of the breast in question...
Why is the backlash about Janets nippple so hard to understand? It's really quite simple.

Free TV, family viewed sporting event, prime time (or earlier)...if people wanna see titty they turn on HBO or Skinemax. If people wanna see old man ass, they turn on post prime time network, if people want safe viewing for the entire family, they watch the SuperBowl. You don't think JacksonNip is a big deal? Neither do I. However, some people don't want titties & root beer, especially when it's not expected nor warranted.
Gonz said:
Why is the backlash about Janets nippple so hard to understand? It's really quite simple.

Free TV, family viewed sporting event, prime time (or earlier)...if people wanna see titty they turn on HBO or Skinemax. If people wanna see old man ass, they turn on post prime time network, if people want safe viewing for the entire family, they watch the SuperBowl. You don't think JacksonNip is a big deal? Neither do I. However, some people don't want titties & root beer, especially when it's not expected nor warranted.

Like I wasn't the fact that a breast was shown. It was the fact that it was a breast from a first-world country.
I wouldnt say more but they are certainly more vocal about it and about equal rights. Probably because they will be ostracised less than in the old days
Homosexuality is present in every culture in every part of the world. It can even be found all over the animal kingdom. Biologically it is as common as blue eyes. The difference is it is not something you can immediately see. The only way to figure it out is be told or catch someone. I believe Luis is correct the difference is not in how many but rather how many visible. In the past the visibility depends on social acceptance and current taboos.

In ancient India and parts of the Middle East lesbians were commonly married. Gay men were used as personal guards to protect female royalty. In Ireland homosexuality was honored by the pagan gods and it was considered a gift. Even in Greece one of the strongest armies of the time (the Theban Band) was formed of nothing but male lovers who fight more aggressively when they feared their mate dieing in battle. Certain Native American tribes had and still have the “two-spirit” tradition. Finally, in China many dynasties celebrated same sex marriages, including the Han dynasty.

Even bible characters such as Ruth and Naomi not to mention David and Jonathan have been mentioned. Upon Jonathon's death David says,""I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; you have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women." (II Samuel 1:26)" If you don't believe me read 1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:16-17, 23, 30-35, 40-42; 2 Samuel 1:19-27.
In Ireland homosexuality was honored by the pagan gods and it was considered a gift.

and look at all the wonderful pagan heroes we have today....