New Case Mod...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
WTF! Casper has found a new way to get my attention!

Having failed to get out of the top window...

A.B.Normal said:
Hope you don't have a fan on top :eek:

On the black one... yes... but I've shooed him off and he's now taken up residence on my scanner!....

I might add, I just had to take some photos 'cos I've NEVER seen him do this before.... :lol:

haha, your lucky my cat always trys to use mine as a scratching post....... for his declawed paws.

hehe im just surprised a cat would expand energy jumping.
on the last pic i'd swear the cat is doing a similiar facial expression to Katie's.
Shadowfax said:
beautiful cat, aunty! :) how old is he?

He's nine. I don't know exactly when though 'cos he was one of my sisters cat until 2 years ago...

He's just gone off for his afternoon constitutional... beating up the other neighbourhood cats... :)
Nice....caught one of mine sleeping on the KB the other day. He stopped my DL and filled my screen (MSWord) with lots and lots of misc. characters before I kicked him off.
Mine's weird... he sleeps on the top of the boiler in the kitchen most nights... :eh:

I don't know why he doesn't fall off 'cos it's not that big... maybe he was a rock climber in a past life?... :shrug:
Heh, mine sleep on my bed during the day and do their prowling the neighborhood at night. Let me tell you, a catfight outside the window is wonderful to wake up to at 3am.
I don't let mine out late at night... I feed him just before I go to bed so he always comes in.... anyway he's a real wimp if it's raining and won't go out! Have you heard a cat yowling to be let in at 3 in the morning... :eek:
At the vet my parents used to take our cats to, there was a resident kitty who would always sleep on top of the vent holes on the receptionist's monitor. I'm not sure what that meant for the life of the monitor, but it sure was cute. :D