New place


Well-Known Member
So tomorrow (technically today) at 3 p.m., Christina and I sign papers for a little two-bedroom place up in Paso Robles.

Although she'll be helping with expenses too, I can afford the rent by myself if need be, and the rental agreement is month-to-month, meaning that if something were to happen, I wouldn't be in a world of hurt. I look at this way: I'd been talking about getting a new car, but now I'm just going to hang on to the old beater (not sure you can really call a 2000-model vehicle an "old beater") for a while longer, and the increase in rent is a good bit less than what I was looking at for car payments.

It also gives us a chance to see how we work in a living-together situation before making a commitment to marriage, to avoid making the same mistake I made in 2002. It also helps that she'll only be about a mile from her parents, and mine are about a quarter of a mile away.

Of course, I might be posting a good bit less for a bit, as I'll be in the process of moving and cleaning up the old place while working. I'll still come by, I just can't guarantee that I'll be able to stay up until 2 or 3 on a weeknight posting here.
Living together & 2nd marriages are both poor indicators of probability. That's best left to your level of commitment & serious considerations before marriage.

As far as having a roomate who likes steak & blowjob day...congrats.
wadda ya slappin him for? he's right.


...that stung....


good luck with the new place Inky
unclehobart said:
How much rent and how much square footage?
It's $850 a month for... I'm not sure the square footage. It's not very big, but considering we looked at a house in Templeton for $1,050 a month that looked from the outside like it's not any bigger, $850's not bad. (You know you've been in California too long when you say $850 in rent is "not bad.")

Professur said:
Why do you need two bedrooms?
That's answered by the next question:

Leslie said:
sooooooooooo what do all the parents think?
Her parents are pretty conservative, so having two bedrooms and taking her bed over there help things. They're slowly warming up to the idea... although it does help that they're only a mile away, I think.

As for my parents, they trust that I've learned my lessons from the last fiasco... and they also like that Christina isn't fake around the family and that she's responsible enough to go to school and not drop out, and responsible enough to hold on to a job for more than a week.

One nice thing is that I've already got most of the stuff we'll need... pots and pans, plates, silverware, toaster, a good quality blender (glass, not plastic), wireless router.
Inkara1 said:
It's $850 a month for... I'm not sure the square footage. It's not very big, but considering we looked at a house in Templeton for $1,050 a month that looked from the outside like it's not any bigger, $850's not bad. (You know you've been in California too long when you say $850 in rent is "not bad.")

Hell, that's a steal. I was paying $850 ten years ago
Inkara1 said:
As for my parents, they trust that I've learned my lessons from the last fiasco... and they also like that Christina isn't fake around the family and that she's responsible enough to go to school and not drop out, and responsible enough to hold on to a job for more than a week.

That her mom isn't taking wedding photos after the first date is probably a good sign.
Gonz said:
Hell, that's a steal. I was paying $850 ten years ago

I can't find anything for less than $700 around here and that's one bedroom :(
That's Canadian, though... that would be like $75 US. :D

And I would like to throw some confetti now to symbolize the one millionth time I've used that joke. :D
Provided you clean it up, go right ahead. I may find some time later to point out that the pound is still twice the currency the no-so-greenback is.