New place

Professur said:
Provided you clean it up, go right ahead. I may find some time later to point out that the pound is still twice the currency the no-so-greenback is.

Not quite. I can get a Pound for $1.56...;)
Luis G said:
A pound of marihuana?

Why would I want to buy marajuana? I can get a better high off of a six-pack...and won't be risking my freedom and my future doing so. No. I was talking about a British Pound...the currency.
Wether you have an apartment or a private house, there is no such thing as owning property. You still have to pay annual property tax 'rent' to the government. If you don't, they will be happy to take back their land.
unclehobart said:
Wether you have an apartment or a private house, there is no such thing as owning property. You still have to pay annual property tax 'rent' to the government. If you don't, they will be happy to take back their land.

Damned skippy. Too bad.
unclehobart said:
Wether you have an apartment or a private house, there is no such thing as owning property. You still have to pay annual property tax 'rent' to the government. If you don't, they will be happy to take back their land.

:blush: sorry
I'm not snapping atcha, Roz. Please don't feel that I am. I'm just stating a fundamental truth that has been forgotten by 90% of the people. The government implements shit in little bits and snippets until they unoticably become unholy huge over time. People just don't realize how much they are getting fleeced.
unclehobart said:
The government implements shit in little bits and snippets until they unoticably become unholy huge over time. People just don't realize how much they are getting fleeced.

Not to mention the cable companies and the phone companies and the lawn care service....

TruGreen Chemlawn has suddenly decided I need 7 treatments per year instead of the 6 treatments they've been doing for the past 5 years.....and they want me to start paying for the whole year up front to "lock in my rate" and avoid additional charges.

Talk about extortion......
May your shack up be all you've hoped for

and more heh heh

Some body start a

"shacked up OTC couples poll"
alex said:
Not to mention the cable companies and the phone companies and the lawn care service....

TruGreen Chemlawn has suddenly decided I need 7 treatments per year instead of the 6 treatments they've been doing for the past 5 years.....and they want me to start paying for the whole year up front to "lock in my rate" and avoid additional charges.

Talk about extortion......
Mexicans are cheaper than Chemlawn.
unclehobart said:
I'm not snapping atcha, Roz.

No, I know. I just realized that you were right and felt sheepish for my previous statement. It's All Good.

Lawn Service...Hire a (cute) guy looking to earn money for college. That is what we found last year, and haven't been happier. (Damn he's hot!)
They do mostly mowing and landscaping....not fertilzing.

I'm also a little suspicious that Chemlawn has ripped me a few times. They left the bill on the door but after inspecting the lawn, I found just a trace of fertilizer in the yard. The yard looks great but I don't want to pay $66 just because they're "making the rounds".