New place

I am actually renting, LOVING where I live, and the landlords just decided to put the land up for sale.
Winky said:
May your shack up be all you've hoped for

and more heh heh

Some body start a

"shacked up OTC couples poll"

Not so sure I qualify... she's not a member here.
Gonz said:
Extortion would be your inability to say HELL NO & quit the service

Anyone can say HELL NO. I don't have the time nor expertise to manage my yard the way they can....doesn't give them the right to rip me off.
Inkara1 said:
Not so sure I qualify... she's not a member here.
Counting on my fingers and toes... hmm... I come up with 4 couples.

the les paul guitar co.

anyone I've missed?
That much I knew...I was unaware of...well, I had an idea it went differently...see why I don't follow soap or on tv