New Slang - makes me feel old

I'm kind of on the fence there. First of all, If the kids use too much slang talking to me, I ignore them. If they want to speak to me in real english, I'll listen. However, I can't help but pick up on some of it, so I understand more all the time.

Now, on the other hand, most of the slang they are using won't be used in a matter of a few years. To try to learn it all is pointless, as the meanings will change by the time you grasp them all.
All I saw was the 'New Slang' part, and I automatically though of the song by The Shins.

But anyway, I don't use any of that. I don't really see the point. And I HATE those online abbreviations like "u". Christ people, it's a three letter word!

I sort of agree that education level has an effect on it, based on what I've seen. The people that use that slang in my school are generally those who aren't the brightest crayons in the box, as in one of them still doesn't know what a landlord is. I think what happens is the people that use these words are more about going out with friends and having fun than schoolwork, thus their grades and general brilliance level.
Professur said:
And they'll go right back through that door with my boot up their arse.

The housebrat uses a mix of generational slang, regional slang, and proper English. Most of it is OK with me. Some of the stuff that pops outta her mouth gives me pause for conniption. I must remind her that we are poor white mountain trash, not drug-money-rich ghetto pimps, and as such we should refrain from stealing their language whenever possible. MTV is a lovely thing for a 12 year old tweener...
Professur said:
That is by far the silliest thing I've seen posted this year.
I'm hardly going to let my kids use all slang on me, or in my house. Frankly, if they want to use it sometimes, that's fine but they have to learn to speak correctly precisely because they'll need it for work etc... but to think that you can control everything that your kids say is hilarious.

Question: How well did your folx do in controlling everything you said and did? Answer: About as well as you're likely to do with your kids.

Your kids and mine will get their own slang, much like we did and our parents did etc...they'll have their clothing styles, musical tastes, foods etc etc...and there's not a whole lot that you can do about it unless you plan on buying 3 good sized dog-cages and feeding them through a slot for the rest of their lives.

A lot of it, they'll grow out of..much like you and I did. Its a phase. You can live with it and control what you can and be happy for the opportunity, or you can try to be a control freak and alienate yourself from your kids.

Pick one.
Clothing-wise, we go out together, and decide, together, what she'll wear. But my word is final. That's not being a control freak, or alienating them. That's called parenting. Most of the kids we grew up with who's parents wanted to be a buddy turned out total slimeballs.

Linguistically, you're damn right I'm gonna play hardball. I don't even let them say "yeah". It's "yes", or else. My kids will be well spoken. Because your speech is a reflection of your mind. Sloppy speach reflects a sloppy mind.

But more importantly, if you're letting the gutter influence your kids speech, what else are you letting it influence?
Professur said:
Clothing-wise, we go out together, and decide, together, what she'll wear. But my word is final. That's not being a control freak, or alienating them. That's called parenting. Most of the kids we grew up with who's parents wanted to be a buddy turned out total slimeballs.

Linguistically, you're damn right I'm gonna play hardball. I don't even let them say "yeah". It's "yes", or else. My kids will be well spoken. Because your speech is a reflection of your mind. Sloppy speach reflects a sloppy mind.

But more importantly, if you're letting the gutter influence your kids speech, what else are you letting it influence?
Wait till she's a teen. I'd love to see the look on her face when you say that you want to be there for buying her first bra :rofl:

So...they'll speak well at home (which is pretty much what I said)...but the moment that they're out of your sight :shrug: that's another story. Its called rebelling.

Since when is slang gutter-speak. Swearing, I can see as gutter-speak, but slang??!?

Professur said:
So the fact that today's brats are incapable of speaking a comprehensible form of English makes you feel old? Just makes me feel angry at the lack of education.

Ebonics are now apart of the education our children receive. Ridiculous.

I know that I had a few slang terms when I was younger. Heck, I still do now. But at least I know the words that the slang represents and when to use them.
PrincessLissa said:
Ebonics are now apart of the education our children receive. Ridiculous.

I know that I had a few slang terms when I was younger. Heck, I still do now. But at least I know the words that the slang represents and when to use them.

I think the problem is that most kids only use the slang words nowadays and sometimes don't even realize what they are saying.
Uki Chick said:
I think the problem is that most kids only use the slang words nowadays and sometimes don't even realize what they are saying.

Sometimes the problem is they DO realize what they are saying.
Professur said:
And they'll go right back through that door with my boot up their arse.

You must have really stood out in Glasgow. They have perfected slang to such a point that no - one understands what they are on about.
I felt old last night when a guy on Millionaire did 'arh arh arh' and I had to explain the Tim the Toolman Taylor phenomenon.

You ous are making me lag, it's just a lekker way of expressing yourself ek sê. What's so woes about using a word or two to describe something differently? Nooit, you chinas need to learn to blom a bit about this kak. Not like anyone you're grafting with is chooning you straight to speak like the kiddies man. It's kinda kief that every generation comes up with their own lingo, yet the old ones remain. Can be kinda blind of course if you're on your own mission and have no cooking clue what's potting with the rest of the okes in your pozzie! Can make you go off your pip né. So don't get all agro about kak, just gooi them with a lekker 'shot bru' and stop being such an old ballie all your life :p
AlphaTroll said:
You ous are making me lag, it's just a lekker way of expressing yourself ek sê. What's so woes about using a word or two to describe something differently? Nooit, you chinas need to learn to blom a bit about this kak. Not like anyone you're grafting with is chooning you straight to speak like the kiddies man. It's kinda kief that every generation comes up with their own lingo, yet the old ones remain. Can be kinda blind of course if you're on your own mission and have no cooking clue what's potting with the rest of the okes in your pozzie! Can make you go off your pip né. So don't get all agro about kak, just gooi them with a lekker 'shot bru' and stop being such an old ballie all your life :p

I disagree, but I don't know why. :lol2: