New Style...

to be honest...i like the new logo, but the old one WAS hardcore ot central...perhaps ris can modify the logo for another scheme we might get in the future :)
i could but i am inclined to think that with the new vb and new style should come a new logo. :)
The new layout/design is nice . . . but the reworked logo still needs reworking . . . maybe we could get a forum in the creative department working on this and make a :cool: logo.
I like the new green color, sexy New Thread and Post reply buttons. The Quote, Edit, PM, Profile, etc... buttons are still purple.
I liked it better with logo on left, and I prefer the User CP, Members, Register, etc... buttons instead of the links

lightstorm said:
maybe we could get a forum in the creative department working on this and make a :cool: logo.

How about this?