New Years Eve


Staff member
Well, it's fast approaching, what are everyone's plans?

I will get home at about 5:30pm or so (I fly out of NFLD, where I am now, at 8:30am and get in Toronto at about 4:30pm) then at 6pm I am leaving to go to Barrie with a bunch of friends (and my now confirmed date whom I met at the bar during my birthday outting. He goes to school with brainsoft and some more of my friends).

We are staying at one of my friend's apartments (she goes to school in Barrie) and we are going to a nightclub called "The Roxx". I seems like it is going ot be a good time. I am putting the clothes I am going to wear in my carry on bag just incase my luggage gets lost or delayed.
Letting the amateurs have their way while I'm tucked safely under my computer desk :headbang:
Get together with a couple of friends and their chilluns. That's if I ever hear back from them. Otherwise, it'll just be me and the missus and a bottle of champagne... hmm. Maybe they won't call. :)
house party at CenturianStrategy's place. that RecklessLeper dude will be there too.

By the sounds of things there will be a large amount of sex on the beach and, apparently, eggnog... although i'm still not convinced about the latter....

bring on many good times :)
Hmmm, saying if all goes as planned *evil grin* a get together shindig with friends :D Should be fun :D
Ardsgaine said:
Otherwise, it'll just be me and the missus and a bottle of champagne.

Ditto. Well, without the champagne. I generally don't drink anything with bubbles in it. We'll probably gorge ourselves on food instead. :)
I'll be under Gonzes desk too:D

...oh, wait a minute, there's snow up there:blah:

Guess I'll be under my own desk:tardbang:
greenfreak said:
Ardsgaine said:
Otherwise, it'll just be me and the missus and a bottle of champagne.

Ditto. Well, without the champagne. I generally don't drink anything with bubbles in it. We'll probably gorge ourselves on food instead. :)

Gawd, I've been doing that for the past week and a half. We tried to walk a little of it off today, but then came home and stuffed ourselves some more. :p
I'm sitting here thinking about dinner but more importantly, dessert. I'm so bad in the winter. I eat so much more cake, cookies, ice cream and hot cocoa in cold weather. Rusty shows no restraint either so we're pretty bad when we both get in the mood for sweets. :)
Well, we had about three bags worth of chocolate as stocking stuffers, plus another box that I bought for Jan because she wanted her very own chocolate truffles. On top of that, she baked a couple dozen chocolate chip cookies, some of these things she called wedding cookies (white sugared balls-- there's a joke there, but I'll leave it for someone else), sugared pecans, and some pistachio icebox cookies. And on top of that, we've had a ton of leftovers from the two Christmas dinners we ate.

Every time I walk past the bathroom scales they wince. So far I've been afraid to assess the damage. I need to go on an exercise binge first. :p
Hopefully me, a good friend, a bottle of champagne, and a view of the Acropolis and fireworks... :)

or else a major piss-up!
Q baby said:
I'll be under Gonzes desk too

...oh, wait a minute, there's snow up there

Guess I'll be under my own desk

I used the snowblower. Does that help?
you want me to do .....what???

I don't think I could keep up with a snowblower :D
dang, suz.. I figured being from Buffalo would make you immune to anything short of 9 foot drifts and -30 gale force winds.
Ardsgaine said:
Well, we had about three bags worth of chocolate as stocking stuffers, plus another box that I bought for Jan because she wanted her very own chocolate truffles. On top of that, she baked a couple dozen chocolate chip cookies, some of these things she called wedding cookies (white sugared balls-- there's a joke there, but I'll leave it for someone else), sugared pecans, and some pistachio icebox cookies. And on top of that, we've had a ton of leftovers from the two Christmas dinners we ate.

Every time I walk past the bathroom scales they wince. So far I've been afraid to assess the damage. I need to go on an exercise binge first. :p

I thought about you in the stores yesterday... I got a $100. gift certificate to this store and wouldn't know you know, I had such a hard time finding things worth to buy for that money? Anyway, we were in the housewares section and I saw a scale and thought, maybe I should get one. Then I remembered that I don't WANT to know my weight and walked past it. I wound up buying 8 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of underwear and a 100% cashmere sweater that Rusty talked me into getting. I have to admit, it's soft and it looks great on me but $80. for a freaking sweater?? I argued with him for an hour before giving in and getting it. He says I need to splurge more. I would have been just as happy buying 3 normal shirts for what that one cost.

Anyway, I had a pint of Cherry Garcia last night. :D