New Zealand residents: Bra fence must stay

I have some unused undergarments that I'll donate to the fence. LOL

I also have a fence that could use a little decoration of its own. And no neighbors to offend, either. ROTFL
Y'know ... if we wanted to get serious, we could actually do this. Build up an underwear banner for the BBQ.
I'd send you mine but....should I mail them to your address now or your Mama's? Either way I think you'd better do some explaining to the wimmins on your end why you're getting strange bras in the mail ;)
Tell you what... we'll bring all the bras to the BBQ, use them as a banner or something, then when the BBQ's done somehow get it to S'n'P... preferably by him taking it home from the BBQ himself.
Near death experiences sometimes impede travel/hosting plans. Sue me.

Now, I'll still build the fence if sufficient materials are sent my way.
Luis G and Professur: I do not understand how you can comment on such a thing. You do not live here. You have not been here. You only know what is said in the shitty media and if thats how you get your news no wonder everyone hates americans. At least Mr Prassinos is a good citizen. Working for the good of people. Not that you deserve it.
Luis G and Professur: I do not understand how you can comment on such a thing. You do not live here. You have not been here. You only know what is said in the shitty media and if thats how you get your news no wonder everyone hates americans. At least Mr Prassinos is a good citizen. Working for the good of people. Not that you deserve it.

I can't understand how you can stick up for that asshat, Mr. Prassinos. He has a vacation house there, i.e., he just visits. He is not a citizen there, so, if he doesn't like the scenery, he should either move, or face the other way. People like him are the reason everyone hates Americans, not the media. Before you decide to place your foot further into your mouth, just remember...when you move to a new area, it is your responsibility to adapt to that locale, not the locales responsibility to adapt to your particular idioTsyncracies.
I hope this Prassinos prick never moves to Laguna Niguel, (Orange County) California, to live there part time. If he does, I hope he takes a ride on the Amtrak.

If he is offended by underwear, he would be absolutely apoplectic at THIS.

Here is one of the many truths of life:

If someone, somewhere, is enjoying themselves; you can bet your sweet ass that there is someone, somewhere, who is working diligently to curtail that activity.
Luis G and Professur: I do not understand how you can comment on such a thing. You do not live here. You have not been here. You only know what is said in the shitty media and if thats how you get your news no wonder everyone hates americans. At least Mr Prassinos is a good citizen. Working for the good of people. Not that you deserve it.

First off, Mr. Prassinos is a US citizen, not a kiwi. Whether he's a good citizen (of any country) is debatable. And it's fairly clear from the significant local resistance he ran in to that he wasn't working for anyone's benefit but his own. (sort of like someone else that I just met) As for where I get my news ... My good sheep, I'm a websurfer. I get my news from hundreds of sources, often from wire services, and then go to the local level to get the local fishwrap's take on the affair. The links I post aren't usually to those locals, but to the larger services, who just so happen to keep their links alive much longer.

It's widely considered good net etiquette to reserve judgment of people until you've been properly introduced, but in your case, I'm willing to make an exception.
It's widely considered good net etiquette to reserve judgment of people until you've been properly introduced, but in your case, I'm willing to make an exception.

The adversarial nature of his presence here was obvious from the moment he registered. His handle says it all.
It also seems that it believes Prof and Luis to be Americans...with the "if that's how you get your news no wonder everyone hates Americans" comment...

On a happier note...I had an underwire snap on me the other day...I would be willing to donate that bra to SnP's bra fence thing...