New Zealand teenager gets 9 months for microwaving pet budgie


Well-Known Member
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A teenager who used a microwave to kill a pet budgie he stole from a school classroom has been sent to prison for nine months.

Ashley Daldy, 18, pleaded guilty to eight charges of burglary and one of cruel treatment of an animal in the North Island city of Hamilton, the Waikato Times newspaper reported Tuesday. Prosecutors told Hamilton District Court Daldy had broken into the school where he was once a pupil on three occasions, stealing the bird, computer equipment and a video.

He later put the budgie in a microwave oven.

Judge Anne McAloon said Monday killing the bird was a "particularly nasty offence" but the eight burglaries were more serious.

"The worst part of the offending in our collective opinion was what he did to the bird," Hamilton West School head Catherine McLeod told the newspaper.

"That had huge repercussions for the little kids," she said.


I'm thinking that this malfunction needs to meet Darwin. Can anyone see any hope for turning this defective into a functioning human?
The burglaries were bad enough, but putting the bird into the microwave was just plain sadistic.

That boy seems to be a waste of a human being.
TexasRaceLady said:
The burglaries were bad enough, but putting the bird into the microwave was just plain sadistic.

That boy seems to be a waste of a human being.

Notwithstanding the 'teenager' description, he's 18. That's an adult and man (although I use that term in the legal sense only) in most countries, including the one he's getting jailed in.
Fucktards like that should be punished more severely. Add a monetary penance as well. Say a thousand bucks a month for the rest of his miserable life to the local SCA or something.
But at least it wasn't a hate crime. God forbid he been wearing a Dixie shirt when he did it, he'd get forty years for being a racist bird killer.

Oh...and off with a finger. Teach him to keep 'em to himself.
Follow through with a psych evalation after he gets out. If he's nuking birdies today, likely he started with pulling wings off of flies, torturing dogs and next might be some kid he tries out his little experiments with.

MrBishop said:
Follow through with a psych evalation after he gets out. If he's nuking birdies today, likely he started with pulling wings off of flies, torturing dogs and next might be some kid he tries out his little experiments with.


If he were 9, you might have a point. He's 18 & stupid. He's paying the price. With no history of this type of behavior, it was a moronic decision, not a lifestyle choice.
Gonz said:
If he were 9, you might have a point. He's 18 & stupid. He's paying the price. With no history of this type of behavior, it was a moronic decision, not a lifestyle choice.

If he were 9, there might be hope for retraining him. At 18 .....
Professur said:
If he were 9, there might be hope for retraining him. At 18 .....

Not knowing the real history, it's all a guess but I'd assume this to be just a hormonally deranged angst ridden dumbass teen move. There is still hope (assuming)
Well, Gonz, let's see. Three different occasions of B&E. Doesn't sound hormonal to me. Stealing video and computer equipment? Nope, no criminal intent there. Stealing a bird? Why? Tell me why on earth he would steal a class pet? To have as a pet himself, I could understand. But why microwave it then?

I can only see two realistic possibilities. Either he stole it with the intent of killing it, or he didn't. If he intended to kill it, he's a sick person, who needs to leave the gene pool forthwith. If he didn't, then this was a spur of the moment decision, and if that's the case, do you really want him where the next decision he makes might involve a higher lifeform?
there's an article in the current Atlantic that talks about the IRA. they had a "nutting" squad. the nut is the head. the nutting squad would put two bullets in the nut of a suspected traitor (after torture/interrogation). before reading that article my response woulda been "shoot him in the face" but i dig the similar "nutting" concept a little more, and given my inclination toward novelty (or at leas what's novel for me), i will here suggest a nutting.