Newest member fury???

I couldn't remember how to spell it


I used to win spelling bees, but since I started working on computers, it has gone to shit.
*confused as usual*

so is this the old fury back? a new fury impersonator? or the old but new and improved fury? :confused:
The fact that you'd use that smily in the same sentence as an additional limb growing from fury's forehead is slightly disturbing to say the least :eek:
It's him. He was fired for incompetence. Then someone realized that we need his incompetent ass, or we'd have to keep the freaking place running ourselves. Suddenly he wasn't so incompetent anymore.
LOL - I read he got fired for incontenece - was wondering why you okes didn't just buy him a pack of Depends :rolleyes:
freako104 said:
i think its still spelled wiht a small f mate ;) thats our fury

I know, just testing to se if his nocapitalF'sinmynameplease script was still running :)