Newsweek liberals find Obama "creepy"

To some degree, we all should. They claim to be part of the media...the one that is supposed to be the watchdog for the citizens. The ones that failed to ask the hard questions (those who did were banished fromt eh Obama world). The ones that propped him up like some sort of second rate dictator.

If the media, and it's highest held members, aren't willing to do their job, we're all sunk.

Limbaugh and O'reilly have failed to do their job for years and nobody intelligent gives a shit what they think. There's no reason Rose should be held to some higher standard than those morons.
Limbaugh and O'reilly have failed to do their job for years and nobody intelligent gives a shit what they think. There's no reason Rose should be held to some higher standard than those morons.

Neither of them are journalist. Both Rose & Brokaw claim that mantle.
I find them complaining about Obama being alone on the stage silly.

His kids are young, it was late, and if I was him, I would want to keep them out of the spotlight, if I could.
I find them complaining about Obama being alone on the stage silly.

His kids are young, it was late, and if I was him, I would want to keep them out of the spotlight, if I could.

oddly enough i agree. i could not care less where his kids were, what window dressing he chose to surround himself with, how much his cloths cost, what his old lady had for diner, what color the chair backs were, how many rows of seats there were, or anything else trivial. i also agree about keeping his kids out of the spotlight. there kids, they dont need the scutiney.

i do, however, care deeply about this.

ROSE: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don't either.

ROSE: I don't know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don't really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: You know that's an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational speeches, two of them.

BROKAW: I don't know what books he's read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There's a lot about him we don't know.

buy a pig in a poke and you are likely to be disappointed.

i dare say that most of the voters wouldnt buy a usedcar they had not checked out fairly thoroughly. but they elect a leader on promises his office will not allow him to fullfill, smoke and light shows, slick ads, photo ops, and oprahs recommendation. and they will get what they paid for...a pig in a poke. going to be entertaining. and expensive
Luckily Americans checked out the candidates and picked the one with the superior policies.
this is much ado about nothing.

what do we really know about any of our political candidates?

they might as well all be replicons from beyond the moon.

john mccain says his hero is teddy roosevelt. big fucking deal. that doesn't give us special insight into his soul.

Many Ozombies will lose their enthusiasm for their dear leader as taxes soar, the economy tanks, electric costs skyrocket, unemployment goes to double digits, and they are standing in line for their weekly 10 gallon ration of gasoline at $5+ per gallon.
Yeah,,,thanks a LOT, dubya!
Sounds like those people just didn't do their research. Honeslty, they bitch they don't know, but the have not the wit to ask?

fair enough i guess. but those people claim to be journalists. to large a segment of the populace will depend on them to present the news. i read/watch/listen to news. i also do my own study of candidates and always have. i dont think the majority does. nonetheless, for a journalist to wait until after the event is over then admit that he/she knows nothing about one of the key components is shoddy and irresponsable.

unless, of course, one happens to be in favor of the one being touted as messiah. then ignorance is bliss.
fair enough i guess. but those people claim to be journalists. to large a segment of the populace will depend on them to present the news. i read/watch/listen to news. i also do my own study of candidates and always have. i dont think the majority does. nonetheless, for a journalist to wait until after the event is over then admit that he/she knows nothing about one of the key components is shoddy and irresponsable.

unless, of course, one happens to be in favor of the one being touted as messiah. then ignorance is bliss.

For them to dispaly their ignorance is one thing. If this messiah thing was true I would assume they would instead be saying how Obama's camp refused to answer this question or that question.
For them to dispaly their ignorance is one thing. If this messiah thing was true I would assume they would instead be saying how Obama's camp refused to answer this question or that question.

Can't answer, or refuse, what you aren't asked.

reporter:"Sen McCain-What is your policy towards Iran & their ambitions toward nuclear energy?"

reporter:"Sen Obama. what is your favorite color?"

...anmd yes, it was that bad
You know what I find "creepy?" Spiders.

Not to mention people who can't get the fuck over it.