next step...

Winky said:
And just where have you been????

Sheesh during the cold war you were either on the Soviets side or on ours now that the cold war has ended you can be on our side or on the side of the Islamo-facists

Pick yer side and stick to it!
Really?!? I'm not picking neither side. What happens to me? Surprise! I'm still alive and I'm still free and I still don't give a damn.

Winky said:
Anyone who agrees with the comparison of GW to Hitler
has clearly picked the wrong side!

America's #1 get used to it!
To me you can be number zero and I could care less for your president. Now the one stating a comparision with Hitler here is you. I can picture the nazis using this 'with us or against us' argument during WWII
a13antichrist said:
I don't see any of them shopping for bigger sandboxes.

Maybe before 51% of the country is Islamic they should start.

Riddle me this oh wisened antichrist, if we're shopping for bigger sandboxes, why wasn't GW Bush on the ballot?
That would be far too obvious, wouldn't it. Besides, one look back at the past 2 years shows that he doesn't think he really needs to be anyway.

I don't see Chirac, Schröder, Putin, etc getting upset that the country might end up 51% Islamic, either. Hating an entire culture, or more precisely, wanting to kill them is Genocide. What famous historical fascist do we know of who attempted that? In fact you're even worse because Bush's people SUPPORT the guy; most of Germany were against it but didn't dare say anything. How obvious does it need to be: the simple truth is that the USA is a nation of genocidal racists.
a13antichrist said:
That would be far too obvious, wouldn't it.

I don't see Chirac, Schröder, Putin, etc getting upset that the country might end up 51% Islamic, either. Hating an entire culture, or more precisely, wanting to kill them is Genocide. What famous historical fascist do we know of who attempted that? In fact you're even worse because Bush's people SUPPORT the guy; most of Germany were against it but didn't dare say anything. How obvious does it need to be: the simple truth is that the USA is a nation of genocidal racists.

I dare say something. Your historical skill needs a tune-up. No offence intended, but, the German people DID partake in the Holocaust. The German nation was involved in the Genocide of that nation. Not one person or a gang of people. Mom and pop joined in and partook in those very forms of genocide that were instigated by their very nature. The German people had always been part of a culture that was deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. This was and may very well be still, part of their nature. In the end, it was the German people, not the German person, who was behind this.

You might find a particular book rather enlightening in your single mindedness of trying to blaming a single person. Hitler's Willing Executioners, Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. Author: Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. It'll prove quite clearly the involvement of not just a single person but of every aspect of the German nation in the decimation of the Jewish population.

People, History 101.....a person does not start a war....a person does not start genocide. A nation starts a war...a nation starts genocide.

The US, in my opinion, is not justified in going into Iraq. Oops. Did I surprise a particular hate filled girl who ventures on these forums who blasts any person who simply believe in Jesus?

Don't base your narrow minded idiotic "redneck" stupidity on an entire nation simply because your homeland is too backwards to progress. I could care less where you come from, who you hate or who you love. It means absolutely nothing to me until you try to justify an entire nation on your self centered narrow-minded opinion.

Pick up a book about the Holocaust, read it and learn something before you try to base your "truth" on the Holocaust on such a ludicrous idea.
"Hating an entire culture, or more precisely, wanting to kill them is Genocide."

Hmmm sure sounds like the party line of the terrorists don't it?
Don't base your narrow minded idiotic "redneck" stupidity on an entire nation simply because your homeland is too backwards to progress. I could care less where you come from, who you hate or who you love. It means absolutely nothing to me until you try to justify an entire nation on your self centered narrow-minded opinion.

Which nation are we talking about here? I don't see the relevance.

PostCode said:
I dare say something. Your historical skill needs a tune-up. No offence intended, but, the German people DID partake in the Holocaust. The German nation was involved in the Genocide of that nation. Not one person or a gang of people. Mom and pop joined in and partook in those very forms of genocide that were instigated by their very nature. The German people had always been part of a culture that was deeply rooted in anti-Semitism. This was and may very well be still, part of their nature. In the end, it was the German people, not the German person, who was behind this.

You might find a particular book rather enlightening in your single mindedness of trying to blaming a single person. Hitler's Willing Executioners, Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. Author: Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. It'll prove quite clearly the involvement of not just a single person but of every aspect of the German nation in the decimation of the Jewish population.

People, History 101.....a person does not start a war....a person does not start genocide. A nation starts a war...a nation starts genocide.

The US, in my opinion, is not justified in going into Iraq. Oops. Did I surprise a particular hate filled girl who ventures on these forums who blasts any person who simply believe in Jesus?

Don't base your narrow minded idiotic "redneck" stupidity on an entire nation simply because your homeland is too backwards to progress. I could care less where you come from, who you hate or who you love. It means absolutely nothing to me until you try to justify an entire nation on your self centered narrow-minded opinion.

Pick up a book about the Holocaust, read it and learn something before you try to base your "truth" on the Holocaust on such a ludicrous idea.

No offense man but you're not making an awful lot of sense there. For starters whether it was one man or many hardly constitutes a "truth" about the Holocaust for anyone - if you believe it does then I suggest YOU still have a significant amount of reading to do.

While I'm not denying that German civilians played a part, I would tender that it would be ludicrous to suggest that the German people jumped upon their chance to wipe out as many Jews as they could, finally satisfying their innate lust for Genocide. If anything they would have been acting on their innate HUMAN tendency to hate those that are different from themselves, a tendency which is constantly demonstrated around the world (albeit to a lesser degree in most cases) and the very same one which aligns the US' hatred of Islam with the actions of Nazi Germany. Do you think there's any chance that the next generation of Americans won't grow up with a burning hatred of Islam ingrained in their culture?
Winky said:
blah blah blah blah... and that the moon is made of green Cheese?

:eek:and wheredidyougetthatfrom....?

I thought it was Blue... :mope:

PostCode said:
Obviously some people lack historical skills. Good ol' Prime Minister Chamberlain was the "Ambassador of Peace" who gave a country to Hitler (Chechzoslovakia whoever wants to research that one) in order to keep the peace. Well, as we all know, that idea worked out real well. :rolleyes:

I don't seem to recall Bush doing that at any point....anyone else?

However, since Chamberlain was the liberal's liberal, on this point I stand confused. A liberal contrasting Bush with Chamberlain? Perhaps the liberals have no idea what Chamberlain stood for (that wouldn't suprise me in the least), or they realize what Bush is all about after all, which of course isn't likely.

:cuss: I'm NOT a "liberal"...okay?
Santa Claus emailed the following to me...I personally think it is time to stop being so damn sensitive about historical circumstances of the past and use them in order to face up to our present reality.

“the president of a country which claims to support human rights and freedom speaks the same language to the people of the world as Hitler used."

...Disturbing comparisons to be made between Bush and Hitler…

1. In his first term, President George W. Bush, like Adolf Hitler, came to power legally, but not democratically. The majority of Americans and the majority of Germans did not elect either leader. Both were appointed. No one expected either one to rise to power.

2. Both are fundamentalist Christians. The problem for both these fervent Christians was how to keep power. Both Hitler and Bush court the conservative Christian right, and attempt to and justify their acts of aggression by transforming their cause into a holy war.

3. The answer for both, concerning how to consolidate power, and keep opposition at bay, is the same --declare war -- find weaker nations that can be enemies of the people -- subvert the free press into a propaganda machine. Hitler invoked the spectre of "the Red Menace," while Bush pronounces the spectre of the “Evil Axis” or “terrorist states” These spectres taint any dissenter with the red or evil brush. The US propaganda machine requires that every American dehumanize those deemed as “terrorists”. Just like Germany, the US people are consumed by fear, brought about by the propaganda of the State and Mass Media. America is going to war, because George W. Bush wants a legacy as being a great American War President. Bush is a fabrication of his own egomania, a will to power, a desire to write his own testimony.

4. Like Hitler, Bush weaves white lies into his speeches; the obedient corporate media repeats them over and over, while the alternative media asks where is the proof of such accusations? Bush Sr. did the same; a Kuwaiti woman testified before Congress that she saw Iraqi soldiers tear Kuwaiti babies from incubators. After the 1st Gulf War, we learned she was the daughter of a Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S. and that her story was a lie ( The point is that there is no proof; just a lie repeated until the masses believe it to be so true that checking for facts is unnecessary. Several examples: First, were there weapons of mass destruction?; there was no proof of massed chemical, nuclear, and bio weapons stockpiled to be used against the U.S. – America is the only country that believes the propaganda. Second, there is no proof that even if there were such weapons, that there was the capability or intent to use them. Third, there is no proven link between Al Qaeda and Iraq. The point is not that there is no proof, but that the American public is not demanding any.

5. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” Being silent in the midst of an unjust war is appalling because the dictator consolidates power, then dissent itself becomes dangerous. There is little opposition, and what little there is, is not widely reported, so it appears that there is no Peace movement at all in the U.S. Bush sent the U.S. military to further destroy Afghanistan without any apparent opposition, and has now annihilated Iraq, again without noticeable opposition. Of course, there is opposition in every city across America, but it goes under-reported, so it does not exist in the minds of the masses. The polls report that opposition is much more widespread in other countries.

6. Both Hitler and Bush lumped all liberals together and called anything they say “unpatriotic.” Like Hitler, Bush is pushing one war policy after another through the houses of government, and then both sought appeals for international support. The strategy is working. Like Hitler, Bush squashes dissent. Hitler rounded up activists, and then had them killed; that has not happened in the U.S., though many a foreigner or anyone suspected as being a threat is rounded up.

7. Like Hitler, Bush Sr. and now Bush Jr. have dismantled worker protections. Americans, like Germans before WWII are putting in more hours for less pay. America has pursued a strategy of outsourcing to Third World countries for jobs as a way to keep unions powerless. Hitler also trashed trade unions. Like the Democrats, Germany’s Social Democrats were afraid to organize oppositions to their leader’s initiatives. Both the Democrats and the Social Democrats, sat back, and were overwhelmed by the opposition party, who was more aggressive and fanatical. This is coupled with a series of appointees that are loyal to the leader’s agenda.

8. To send a democracy into war, Hitler, like Bush whips up hatred, fear, and bloodlust. The propaganda is so transparent, one would think no intelligent being would find it credible. Like Hitler, Bush demonizes Afghanistan, then Iraq as threats to U.S. national security, before invading them. Hitler demonized the "reds" and sent provocateurs to orchestrate a staged act of "terrorism."

Bush Jr. and the administration may have known about the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. What little investigation there has been suggests that the US administration knew, did not respond on purpose, and has blocked any investigation of its role in 9-11. Like Hitler, Bush has rallied the Americans against the "terrorists" and passed acts similar to Hitler’s "Enabling Acts," in which the State has the right to bypass any legal due process for "suspects" who may be enemies of the State.

9. Bush behaves like Hitler, threatening weaker nations with weapons of mass destruction and total annihilation unless they do as he says -- make a regime change. Bush’s War will be fought for the same reasons Hitler invaded Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia -- for economic hegemony, to strike fear into followers, to intimidate the world into submission, and to divert attention. Hegemony is power exercised in ways we take for granted; we do not resist what we do not notice. This occurs through demonization, to promote fear, and unite the masses behind the leader who promises protection. In 1938-1939 Hitler demonized Czechoslovakia, then Poland, as a threat to Germany’s national security, before invading each.

10. Bush follows Hitler’s strategy by turning weaker nations into threats to one that is a national superpower. Bush said in January 2002, “The United States of America will not permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world’s most destructive weapons.” Like Hitler, Bush uses various weapons of “mass destruction” while blaming the victim for threatening a superpower. Who has the most such weapons? In the regime changes to promote US security, the most dangerous regime on earth is the US. The US has amassed the most biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and has used them in Japan (Hiroshima, Nagasaki), in Vietnam (agent orange), and in Iraq (nuclear tipped war heads).

11. Like Hitler, Bush wants his followers to accept war as a way to divert attention from an economy slipping into recession. Following in the strategy perfected by Hitler, Bush has declared Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea as an “axis of evil,” whose provocations must be met by invasion and destruction.

12. Many believed Hitler was merely a puppet of reactionaries. Like Hitler’s Vice-Chancellor - the real power behind President Bush, is a number of men devoted to specific ideals. Both Bush and Hitler have little or no leadership credentials on their own – they need the back-up props. Like Hitler, Bush seeks to install puppet regimes in the shape of U.S ideals.

13. Like Hitler, Bush is pushing for a united World War. A doctrine of pre-emptive, unilateral attacks on other nations has been initiated.
Without democratic debate, the U.S. created, supported, and trained the Al Quaeda, Taliban, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and the Shah of Iran’s terror machine. The U.S. supported Saddam and Iraq with weapons to attack Iraq, knew about the attack on Kuwait, decided against that, and turned on the leader we once used to further our oil interests.
The U.S. provided Iraq with its building blocks for biological weapons of mass destruction.
Nations began to fear that Hitler would be attacking them next, and formed an alliance against the obvious aggressor. This pattern now repeats, as citizens around the world mass to oppose G8, WTO, IMF, World Bank, and their prime mover, the U.S.

14. Like Hitler, Bush is a fanatical military dictator. The government, unions, universities, opposition political party, and the corporate media are surrendering their freedom in orderto prop up his political agenda.

15. Like Hitler, Bush wants regime changes brought about by invasion, refugee (concentration) camps, and sanctions that results in the deaths of innocent men, women, and children. Bombs do not kill nearly as many millions as sanctions.

16. Like Hitler, Bush utilizes patriotism to support the incentive for war. Struck by fear and propaganda, people are eager for warrant it is not hard to earn this support.
The mainstream media is obedient and uniform. The excuse of Homeland Security people to offer their civil liberties be stripped away.
The Military, police and FBI films protesters and (such as in the case of the Republican Rally – imprisons them). Both Hitler and Bush have put in tough new aggressive laws suppressing public dissent and have revoked civil liberties.
17. The “war against ‘terror’” will cost billions and will put the U.S. into further deficit - the Soviet Union went bankrupt after its war budget consumed all also.

:devious: :devious: :bolt:
And they both wiped their respective asses after taking a shit.

....what is you mumbo-jumbo suppose prove ...nothing.
If we, the US or the west in general, wished to put an end to the entire Arabs, it would have been done. With ease. Quickly.

We have no desire to commit genocide or anything resembling that. Don't believe us?

Look at the US Arabs/Muslims. They are safe. They are free to worship as they please. They are not being detained, unless they have specific ties to terrorism.

In fact, if you'd get your head out of the sand it's buried in, you'd see thet we're not the ones discriminately killing Arabs/Muslims. That would be the Arab/Muslim fanatics. We are, in fact, rebuilding hospitals, short, their entire infrastructure.

Because of our efforts the Afghanis held their first election EVER. The Iraqis just told the terrorists to piss off by voting in huge numbers. Today, this may help you & the rest of the insolent anti-war freaks of the world sleep better..Jacques Chirac said the Irai vote was a success. Get aboard or get out of the way, there's work to be done.

As I recall, the country that sent it's military to save a bunch of Muslims in eastern Europe, just a few years back, seemed to have more star & stripes than French or NZ accents. We are a bad people. Next thing you know, we'll be trying to create a situation where people can pick theirt own leaders. What horror. What outrage.

Just as soon as France, Germany & Russia, among others, do anything besides prop up a corrupt dictator by going behind the UNs back & trading illegally & going out of their way to make sure a corrupt UN Secretary General & his cronies get mega rich supporting a corrupt dictator by turning a blind eye to illegal arms deals & illegal oil trades is the day those countries get to play with our ball.

Until then, you'll benefit from the hard work, dedication, blood, sweat & toil of our people and you get the additional benefit of being able to freely bitch about it. Oh, you can thank us for that too.
No offense man but you're not making an awful lot of sense there.

Ok. Let's make this a bit simpler shall we?

the very same one which aligns the US' hatred of Islam with the actions of Nazi Germany

This, right here. This is where you are seeing only a simple, one-minided aspect and trying to apply this aspect to an entire nation. You are calling each and every single person a person who hates Islam. You are sooooo wrong in your thinking. Have you even even been to America? Have you ever seen the open religion here? Have you ever even been to the inside of a church? Apparently not.

We, as American people, have many basic liberties in our country. I, as an American, feel these basic liberties our ours, not another countries, nor is it our responsibility to "rescue" another country. Do I like this? No. Actually, I hate it but, as an American I have a basic responsibility to protect my country. I have a basic responsibility to protect my fellow serviceman unlike other kiwi's out there.

You see, when a serviceman takes an oath, he/she takes that oath against enemies both foreign and domestic. Granted, I am no longer in the military at this time, but that same oath applies to serviceman presently in the United States today. Now, on September 11 we took a devistating hit to our soverign soil with the attacks on our country. This was, however, not a mass attack from the Islamic people (unlike what you think). It was from a group of people who happen to be Islamic (unlike what you think). It was not from Iraq, it ws from the Taliban. A seperatist group composed of extremists who feel they need to imposethere will on others. Nobody seems to grasp this. Why is this? Perhaps it's your, and the rest of the worlds, inability to accept the position of the Untied States in the world (precisely the way you think).

Is not your very labeling of an entire country of the United States the same as the very labeling of the entire country of Germany? Think about it.

No offense man but you're not making an awful lot of sense there. For starters whether it was one man or many hardly constitutes a "truth" about the Holocaust for anyone - if you believe it does then I suggest YOU still have a significant amount of reading to do.

This is my attack.

In fact you're even worse because Bush's people SUPPORT the guy; most of Germany were against it but didn't dare say anything. How obvious does it need to be: the simple truth is that the USA is a nation of genocidal racists.

You are trying to make the United States out to be the very same people of Germany of WWII. I fell I made myself quite clear in my explaining of Germany. Perhaps not.

That's ok. Your not from America so you hate anything American. Hey, that's ok. That's your right. I'm not one to say you have no right to voice your own opinions or not. Just rememebr who your labeling and what your labeling them with before you label an entire people of a nation with your liberal individualistic views of racisim.

Did I just call liberals racists? Ohhh dear? I guess tg will love that one aye? (You are blocked so I have no idea what your hating now...) What about your very last statement. Let's recap shall we?

You are an Australian correct? Perhaps you have the very basic instincts which you so love to expound yet love to repress? Your basic instinct to hate a country that is superior in economic development to you country? A basic instinct to hate anything that is superior to you or your country? Is this not the very same instinct, which you say we expound on others? Think about yourself before expounding on others. You fail to see my relivence because you fail to open yourself to another countries basic huministic right (is that a tg line or what? :lol:.
Oz said:
I dunno who writes your history books.......but I suggest you do a search for Senator Prescott Bush.....who's company was hurridly closed in 1942 and educate yourself.

There are unsubstantiated rumors concerning Prescott Bush's associations with the Nazi party. The Anti-Defamation League has stated, "Rumors about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, have circulated widely through the Internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated." [1] ( The rumors began with extreme right-wing attacks on George H.W. Bush during his 1980 presidential run and were renewed during his 1988 run.

ANother tg favorite. Wiki!!! :lol:

What's real idiotic about that is the fact that Hitler had Thyssen put in a concentration camp. :lol:
PostCode said:
This, right here. This is where you are seeing only a simple, one-minided aspect and trying to apply this aspect to an entire nation. You are calling each and every single person a person who hates Islam. You are sooooo wrong in your thinking. Have you even even been to America? Have you ever seen the open religion here? Have you ever even been to the inside of a church? Apparently not.

Is not your very labeling of an entire country of the United States the same as the very labeling of the entire country of Germany? Think about it.

Interesting, the similarities after all, no?

Were you in WWII Germany? And were you able to witness every single German citizen on a mission to purge the continent of the Jewish scum? No. But enough of them took part for the entire country to be tainted for decades (as you so succinctly demonstrated). And clearly not every US citizen wants to wipe out every Muslim in the Middle East. But enough of them do for the global image of the USA to be forever associated with a mission to exterminate the Arab plague. And there the comparison between the Bush Government and the Third Reich is not only logical, but unavoidable.
a13antichrist said:
And there the comparison between the Bush Government and the Third Reich is not only logical, but unavoidable.

That's just not right...
Look at the US Arabs/Muslims. They are safe. They are free to worship as they please. They are not being detained, unless they have specific ties to terrorism.

In fact, if you'd get your head out of the sand it's buried in, you'd see thet we're not the ones discriminately killing Arabs/Muslims. That would be the Arab/Muslim fanatics. We are, in fact, rebuilding hospitals, short, their entire infrastructure

well with the first quote:
Patriot Act states that if you feel that they are a threat or have ties then to call. It is quite vague but basically if you feel that then call. innocent and guilty people can be called in if they worship Allah.

the second part I would agree with
PostCode said:
ANother tg favorite. Wiki!!! :lol:

Note that I didn't publish that document :rolleyes:

In any other case, I'd far rather trust WIKI as a source than any corporate News (a.k.a propaganda) station :shrug:

Wiki and open-source information is one of the best damn things that happened to the internet.