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What's the worst nightmare that you can remember?

I just woke up to one where a guy pulled into my driveway next to me, asked me to roll down my window, and put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I think that counts as the scariest, but I've had some freaky-but-not-so-much-terrifying dreams too.
recurring from childhood till now, at least monthly,
I'm always around nine years old, I'm running and a pack of rabid dogs of assorted breeds is chasing me :eek:
Recurring dreams are the worst. I was afraid to go to bed for the longest time when I was having this one... I was stuck in a maze, it was pitch black, and I kept hearing voices guiding me to other parts of the maze but when I started walking towards it, the maze would change and I'd run into a wall. Then when I'd get up and turn around, there would be a wall of fire racing towards me, and just before it'd touch me, I'd wake up scared shitless and screaming my lungs out.

Glad that one's over. :headbang:
:eek: that sounds awful!

My other recurring is trying to either walk or drive up a road at an extreme slope, almost 90 degrees, and always on the verge of falling back or the car tipping back.
i remember one when i was like 5...i was in a dark maze...and....nothing was chasing me...and all of the sudden i fell over a short wall (heh, i was 5, i was even shorter than i am now :D)
and i woke up :eek:

scared the hell out of me. worst thing was that it came back for 3 ~ 4 times more :(
my friend had dreams where he wa a memeber of the x-men. he also had counterstrike and final fantasy dreams.

i had a dream about this giant fucked up bull chasin after me. he had red eyes.
I dreamt about a young boy. I can't remember much of what led up to it...but i watched this boy run up to some sort of high voltage mesh-like area next to a pylon and then be dragged up onto it by some kind of force. He just stayed, stuck there; being electrocuted to death. Then after a while he some how staggered of and walked towards me. Then he collapsed on the ground at my feet and his body was shaking. It was completely burnt all over - hardly recognisable as human. Then it started to melt and bubble and disfigure. He was still alive while it was happening, and he was making these little whining noises. I woke up.

I don't have many dreams like that though.
last dream i remeber was where my sister fell down a drain pipe and was drowning. but not one seemed to care but me. best dream. ever.
I've also had one where the entire city gets ripped away by a tornado and everybody's kids were accounted for except for my brothers. It happens about once a month.
Dream of snakes long as the perimeter my house wrapped under my floorboards and moving , happens alot. Falling off cliffs, and my worst fear - head trauma, been shot in the head, hit inthe head with spikes, smashed my head up in car accidents, sometimes all in one night :sick:
My worst dream was I was laying in a ditch, unable to move. I could hear cars going by, but when I tried to scream for help, I didn't make any sound.
Sleep paralysis? I haven't had the dream but just a few times, and the last time was several years ago. But it was very vivid.
yeah, i don't mean like...proper paralysis...just a similar type of effect.

*takes off psychology student hat*

ok, you may now continue with life :D
Something to do with the mind waking up slightly before the physical body, gives you the feeling that somethings holding you down or a great fear that if you turn to look and see you'll be horrified, happens to me now and then, i hate it .
I have that all the time. Almost every night I sleep. I've become fairly used to it now, even though the images are usually extremely disturbing. Most of them involve me just standing there watching someone get [beaten/stabbed/tossed against hard or sharp objects/beheaded/disemboweled/raped/mutilated] to death, unable to do anything about it.
About six hours after my daughter was born by ceasarian section I dreamt that she was dead. So I walked down to special baby care to make sure she was all right.

The recurring nightmares are that I wake up and find her dead - as will probably happen one day in the not too distant future.
Docs think I have night terrors and/or narcolepsy. I'm essentially awake, eyes open, and have hallucinations. Usually bugs/snakes/spiders crawling towards me on the bed. I once hit Rusty really hard because I saw a spider crawling on his head and was trying to wake him up so he could run away. I usually jump out of bed and run across the room when it happens.

Every time I make an appointment for a sleep study (it takes 6 months to get an appointment) I wind up changing jobs and health insurance carriers and have to cancel. For some reason, the doc thinks it has something to do with narcolepsy, even though I don't experience the typical symptoms. There's a big controversy on whether it's a physical or mental problem... is a great jumping off point for questions and answers.

The recurring dream I had as a kid was that I was laying on the floor and my dresser was falling on top of me and I was holding it from squishing me but couldn't push it back. I would wake up screaming with both my hands on my slanted ceiling above my bed. My sister hated sharing a room with me. :)
was out with friends and something seemed wrong. we were all in a parking lot but the buildings around looked fake for some reason. then we saw some kind of eye that was close to a store and floating with a beam coming out of it. we looked at it and traced the beam with our eyes only to see some huge creature. i woke up at that point.
I never remember my dreams and nightmares, but I'm sure the ones I'd have wouldn't compare to the ones Brandi has after that house fire... even now, she still gets them sometimes, although they're not as bad as in the first month or so after the fire.