Luis G said:
Well, how about this?

Over here the goverment is planning on cut car taxes for those that are efficient (light compact car with small engine), it really doesn't matter how much it costs or how many HP it has as long as it has low gasoline consumption it qualifies for the tax cut.

Edit: forgot to point out that I've always thought you guys in the USA have cars with big engines simply because gasoline prices over there are low and hence, you can afford the luxury. I wonder if many of you would still have those big engines if you had to pay 6USD per gallon.

We're at 4.22 USD/gallon...$5CDN/ 2:30am the friggin gas was 1.25 a LITRE!!! And people are still retarded and drive huge vehicles...hell, my mom had to get a little cavalier cause gas was to much in a van or truck...she was only looking at a regular mini van or a small pick up too...she would make use of either or since she is the type of person who does stuff herself and if she buys something prefers to just pick it up and take it home on her's retarded when gas is so high that people have to sacrafice the ability to be independant because they can't afford the gas!

Oh, and I hate NIMBY...I saw a talk by David Suzuki and he was telling us about this place that would have been prime for a wind farm but NIMBY kicked up a huge fuss and stopped it cause they didn't think the windmills LOOKED GOOD! Like, HELLO clean power generation!! JESUS!
Professur said:
And in most parts of the country, you already have to pass emissions tests.

Most. Not this one.

Yeah, I pay my taxes, because if I don't I go to jail. Because they take it from me before I get it.

Or the sweat of your brow, if you heat with wood.

I do, as a matter of fact.

Gonz said:
Let the market decide. If we choose to buy SUVs instead of Yugos, let us pay the market price. Just keep the government out of it. Taxes are always a bad solution.

yep yep.

Prof said:
Get them to 50mpg. There's not one automaker out there that's not capable of that.

It has existed for years. It isn't in use because of oil company lobbies. Nobody squawked then, so I ain't got time to listen to the squawking now.

[/chest thumping] Moving on...
Professur said:
Gonz, that same PR dept is the very reason that that tit with the Lincoln Pickup drives it in the first place.

Choice. Not government interference. Let the people decide their fate & keep the pols sticky fingers from our pockets.
Gonz said:
Choice. Not government interference. Let the people decide their fate & keep the pols sticky fingers from our pockets.

I would agree IF it didn't affect the rest of us, it is an unreneabole resource.

I like the new lawas about MPG limits etc. and putting money into researching alternative fuel vehicles.
Unrenewable...parhaps but there is no shortage of crude & therre is no expected shortage of crude in our forseeable future.

The problem is TAXES.

R&D is successful when faced with a need. There is no need for alternative fule sources.
Gonz said:
Unrenewable...parhaps but there is no shortage of crude & therre is no expected shortage of crude in our forseeable future.

The problem is TAXES.

R&D is successful when faced with a need. There is no need for alternative fule sources.

no need? for a CLEAN fuel source.
Gonz said:
It's easy & cheap to produce & it's abundant.

Wrong. It's there, because someone influenced the automakers to build cars that use it. Your truck doesn't run on gas, does it? Why not?
Look, I'm first in line for a clean, cheap, alternative source of fuel. I own no oil stocks (well, as part of some mutual funds maybe). I have commandeered my wifes Taurus to drive to work (30mpg vs 17). Oil is cheap, abundant & nowhere near running out. Until it does, we'll use it to power our lives & our economies. Without oil, we'd be living in caves.

I am against government interference. Taxes solve nothing & gov't has neither discovered nor cured anything.
Professur said:
Wrong. It's there, because someone influenced the automakers to build cars that use it. Your truck doesn't run on gas, does it? Why not?

Diesel is not gasoline but it is a byproduct of oil processing.
Gonz said:
Diesel is not gasoline but it is a byproduct of oil processing.

I know. But your diesel truck would run just as well on peanut oil as diesel. So would the VW Golf TDI, the Smart, and any other diesel engine. Just like the first diesel ever built did. The only reason gasoline engines are in use today is because someone with a lot of money, and a lot of gasoline convinced a lot of automanufactured that that was the way to go. Several companies have tried to buck that trend in the past. They were crushed out of existance by .... the oil lobby.

BTW, do you know what most of the first cars ran on?
Big old glass tanks filled with acid, lead, and zinc. Batteries. If the oil industry hadn't put their muscle into it, battery development would have advanced rapidly, and we'd all be driving electric cars today.

BTW, back then, you know what the oil industry was doing? Making heating oil. Oil to burn for steam. If they lost any or the automotive industry today, do you think the heating oil industry would be enough to support them?

Gonz, can you think of one other industry that has done what the oil industry has? Software. Microsoft, specifically? They've got a great product too, don't they.
What is, is. There's no point is bitching about the past, it's over & nothing can be done to change it. Giving money to Presidents & Governors & Prime Ministers has done exactly zero to further our position. It has done, on the other hand, plenty to bolster theirs.

As soon as people perceive a problem a solution will present itself. Until that day, we have abundant oil, fossil fuel powered engines & Lincoln Navigators. Don't like 'em? Don't drive 'em. By the same token, don't force another to pay additional taxes on them. Taxes solve nothing.

As for Microsoft...I've said for years that the 90s stock market run-up wasn't Bubbas, it was Bills. Could MS be better? Of course. However, it is sufficient & easy enough to allow 99% of the dumbasses to operate a PC without hurting themselves.

BTW, I also preferred Beta over VHS.
And the sheep rule the world, driven where the wolves drive them?

Take a good long look an NO, and tell me that these people aren't in need of sheparding
Gonz said:
Unrenewable...parhaps but there is no shortage of crude & therre is no expected shortage of crude in our forseeable future.
In our foreseeable future? Isn't that a bit short-sighted? What about the future of our children or grandchildren?