No charges in school flag burning

Fire him... har... good pun.

I did think he should be charged... I didn't like the flag-burning part, myself, but I thought the burning of the flags in the classroom was putting the students at risk, even though the authorities there have said otherwise. You'd think someone over there would know how fast a fire can take off. Those students were most certainly at risk.
I dodn't know if it's any more dangerous than giving a class full of chemistry students Bunsen Burners and volatile chemicals.
There are precautions for those... and plus, when I took Chemistry, the teacher did all the mixing up front... killjoy.

He never showed us the hunk of uranium he said was sitting in a cabinet, either. :(
wait, I thought that flag burning was against the law, period? Am I mistaken? And, in actuality, that doesn't matter .. clearly he put the students (and the entire school) in jeopardy and his actions are completely unethical. Now, y'all know I'm not America's biggest fan, but as a teacher, you have the obligation to inform and education without making your thoughts and opinions theirs. That was a blatant misuse of his powers as an educator. There are other ways to get whatever point he was trying to make across.

just dropping in my 2 cents :D
It's legal, though incredibly stupid, to burn a US flag. There is legislation to change that but right now, if you can take or avoid an ass-whipping from the boys down the street, you can burn away (see local or state ordinances)
It's legal, though incredibly stupid, to burn a US flag. There is legislation to change that but right now, if you can take or avoid an ass-whipping from the boys down the street, you can burn away (see local or state ordinances)

I'm speechless, seriously .. I mean, I honestly thought it was against the law ... and it probably outta be a law because regardless of how you feel about the country to which you belong, you should not be allowed to desecrate the symbol of that country - any country, actually .. mutual respect kinda thing ... geez, am I being too rainbowy here? LOL
Way to rainbowy. The burning of the flag should not be under government jurisdiction. Having to say the pledge of allegiance, every morning is already enough. I agree completely with the teacher. He used an excellent method and way to demonstrate what he meant. However, he should have burned the flag under controlled conditions like Chemistry teachers. do He should have done it behind a window without putting the students in danger.

Burning of the flag under school grounds is a great way to teach freedom of speech. The teacher rebelled and went forth with a "crime," (using the world very loosely) to illustrate to the students that he had the right to stay the government sucked.
And since the gov't happens to be his employer ..... he deserves the same treatment I'd get if I walked into my boss's office and told him he sucked.....

But then, if he was trying to pass a message about the gov't by burning a flag, he really needs to be fired .... because you really shouldn't have an idiot teaching children. That's not the gov't flag, but the country's.
What always gives me kicks is that burning is the ONLY acceptable method to dispose of flags.

When your flag is tattered and torn, and it's time to say goodbye, the only way to get rid of it is by burning. It's been awhile since I 'retired' one, all I remember was that I was like 10, and there were a bunch of us at the VFW post, and there was a big ceremony about it.
We were allowed to until someone thought it would be a good idea to stick magnesium in the power outlet.

When I took chemistry everybody and their lab partner had their own Bunsen Burner and mixed their own chemicals.

My lab partner and I were banned from the chemicals and burners for a few weeks at one point but otherwise...
Exactly. You think I don't know that?

I'm pointing out the irony that everyone gets their panties in a twist about flag burning, but that's the only proper way to retire a worn and tattered flag.
Having to say the pledge of allegiance, every morning is already enough.

We're not made to say the pledge here though many sing the state song. If children or their families don't wish to, they may remain silent.

Rainbowy or not, I stand by my opinion.

The difference between burning to dispose & childish rebellion.

You beat me to that comment LOL