no divorce

Winky said:
So basically you two were just 'going steady'
for a decade :alienlol:

sure, we can say that i guess. we wouldn't re-marry under any circumstances anyway, so we can lay that to rest.
Well then in the spirit of mental health
whuts in the past is in the past
whuts dun is dun
the future is where you'll spend the rest of yer life
and any other mangled platitudes yo'd care to apply

Heck I taught my kid after his first widdle highschool
romance one of the first rulz aboot breakin' up is:

"Nevah bad mouth yer ex"

if I have to explain or justify this reasoning to an adult I jess know I ain't dealin' with a mature adult.
(still stuck playin' HS huh?)

Recently my Son had his second ex beg and plead with him to go to her HS graduation. He of course said NO!
His current GF wouldn't appreciate it one bit!

Clue, don't badmouth yer ex to yer current BF/GF

now why would that be a good course of action?

(Mare is exempt cuz she thinks she is righteously wronged) NOT!
no divorce

That would be ideal.

I take you ____________ to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and, in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, and thereto I pledge you my faith and love.
Winky said:
"Nevah bad mouth yer ex"

if I have to explain or justify this reasoning to an adult I jess know I ain't dealin' with a mature adult.
(still stuck playin' HS huh?)
A pretty stinging statement from someone that shows a great detachment from maturity himself.
We don't bad mouth each other, at least I don't think Paul does. I know I did at the beginning, but that's only normal, I've gone past that.
Uki Chick said:
We don't bad mouth each other, at least I don't think Paul does. I know I did at the beginning, but that's only normal, I've gone past that.

never really bothered, was a waste of time, and energy.