Out-freaking-standing OTC member
flavio said:I don't suppose you have any facts that show that the numbers aren't equivalent? I don't remember there being far catholics and protestants citizens the world over denouncing the terrorists in Northern Ireland for representing their religion everytime there was a bombing.
Ahh...nice one. Since you don't remember, it never happened. Is that typical thinking on your part? It would explain a lot...
flavio said:If a Republican goes nuts in a political arguement and shoots 10 Libertarians does that mean all Republicans must publicly denounce his actions or they approve?
Why yes...yes it does. Perhaps you've finally figured it out...
flavio said:Every time there's a bombing in Northern Ireland catholic and protestant citizens the world over don't publicly denounce the incident. So that means they all must approve of the violence. That the catholic and protestant religions are violent and everyone that practices the faiths are terrorist supporting nutjobs.....right?
Dammit. You blew it again out of flawed thinking.
flavio said:I think it's very possible that the average republican, catholic, or protestant might see these incidents in the news and think to himself "That's awful...what a bunch of psychos" and then go make dinner. All the while not approving one bit.
Quite different from dancing in the streets and celebrating, though, isn't it...
flavio said:Ah...that's quite a claim. In fact it's pretty much impossible. Got any proof?
Just as much as you do for your claims.
flavio said:You continue to hang onto this "inaction means approval" idea while in spite this being an unquestionably a flawed logical statement there has been plenty of "action" anyway...which you continue to ignore. This would seem like a better example of "denial".
How is it flawed? You continually say that, but every counter you have leads right back to it.
flavio said:So even though you're left with no justification I expect you'll continue pass judgement, condem, and attempt to propogate unfounded hatred towards a billion or so people that vast majority of which are non-violent innocent citizens possibly using more irrevalent excuses like....
..."Oh, yeah...How many Northern Irish attack foreign governments not directly involved in their plight?"
Since you don't understand, I won't try to explain it further. It wastes my time, and seems to confuse you to no end.
flavio said:A great number of muslims have denounced the violence which already should have satisfied this requirement of yours. It's odd that you keep forgetting this. I suppose for you this must be a core justification for propagating the hatred so there's a mental block of some sort that keeps deleting the information.
So your extremely limited links are meaningful when taken into the context of over one billion Muslims world wide?

flavio said:Assuming you'll forget again and keep thinking they haven' still isn't logical to think "letting their belief system be used for heinous things.
An average muslim citizen in India with no connection at all to a terrorist in in Afghanistan is a completely seperate and different individual. There's no basis at all for making the assumption that they have similar personalities, occupations, hobbies, goals, or political opinions just because they both muslim.
I didn't. You, OTOH, seem to think so when it makes your argument seem stronger. Just look to your links.
flavio said:You really can't even assume they practice their religion the same way. For example pre-marital sex is against the catholic religion but can we assume no catholics have sex before they are married?
Right. Like this has anything to do with terrorism. Nobody killed tens of thousands of people with pre-marital sex.
flavio said:In actuality the muslim in India has absolutely no responsibility or connection at all for the actions of a terrorist in Afghanistan. There's no basis for making any assumptions or judgements about the Indian. He has no duty and shouldn't have any need to defend his character or comment on the actions of the terrorist.
Talk to the Hindu's in Kashmere. I'm sure they'd disagree...but that would require you to abandon your argument...
flavio said:If a guy shoots 10 Liberterians in the name of Republicans other Republicans have no responsibility or duty to denounce the incident. In this case most non-Republicans would see the news and "That's awful...what a psycho" without condeming, passing judgement, or making any assumptions about Republicans as a group.
You do it every day.
flavio said:I bet even if the IRA blew up the Empire State building tomorrow in the name of catholicism the average American non-catholic wouldn't suddenly assume that all catholics are crazy violent terrorists. many Catholics would e dancing in the streets worldwide, and handing out candy in celebration?
flavio said:That's because they are very familiar with catholics and republicans. They know many of them, work with them, and have them as neighbors, or relatives. Being so familiar with them on a personal level people aren't likely to suddenly hate and condem all catholics or republicans if an unrelated nut does something awful.
Talk to the KKK...they are virulently anti-Catholic as well as anti-black and anti-Jewish.
flavio said:Many Americans don't have familiarity at all like this with Muslims. I'm sure for many people there's none in their group of friends, at their work, or in their neighborhood and they quite possibly have never spoke to or even seen a muslim in person.
People are very anxious to classify and make ridiculous assumptions about groups of people they don't know much about and accept stereotypes. Gay men are all flaming lisping drag queans. Black men are all violent rapping thugs unless they are tall then they also play basketball. Environmentalists are all pot smoking hippies. Italians are all connected to the mafia.
So now you want to encourage religious dicrimination and hatred towards a billion people who for the most part have no connection to terrorists. You're saying "I'm going to make unfounded assumptions and stereotypes about all of you and it's your duty to defend yourself from them".
Seems like the only one making such claims is you.