no good thing goes unpunished

Nope. I thought you were talking within the last 4 years. ;) I was running with an M3. The only reason I slowed down was because of my tire rating. I'm not supposed to go over 114MPH. :eek:
I had a nightmare that I was pulled over for a hit and run. :mope:

I really didn't think I was gonna be caught, it was only Osama Bin Laden. :mope:

I told him I was just going with the flow of the traffic, cause they were all doing it too, but he got me with the "If the traffic were jumping off a cliff..." thing. :mope:
So what's with the 114mph they want you to maim as many people as possible when they come apart??:eek6:
Q said:
So what's with the 114mph they want you to maim as many people as possible when they come apart??:eek6:

That's the speed rating for the tire. It's one of those DOT safety warnings. Exceeding the maximum safe tire speed for more than an hour will result in the tire compound breaking down. In other words...the heat from the friction will cause them suckers to melt. Usually, the higher in the alphabet the letter, the faster you can safely travel without worrying. My tires are rated 'T' on the Audi (118MPH :blush: ) and 'H' rated on the Chrysler (130MPH). Here is the chart.
Mine can go 81!! That's cool...the only time my truck can go that fast is coming down the skyway with a tailwind:D
Spot said:
i dont really care about the ticket. hell, i waste more than that when i go to the casino.
its the 6 years of surcharges and hike in insurance premiums that get me.
i'd be willing to pay twice that amount in fines if i dont get points on my insurance. wouldn't even contest it.

But you're not willing to stay under the limit. Interesting. But I think I see a flaw in your logic.

Y'know, knowing that, I'd imagine you'd have a serious incentive to stay under the limit. But maybe that's just me.

Up here, they don't inform your insurance. But they increase the price of your license. I think it goes up 10 bucks for every point, and carries for 5 years.
no. i am not willing to stay under the limit. i drive at a speed i feel is safe for the conditions.
that said, i know that the possibility of getting caught is a constant. i have no problem paying a fine if i get caught any more that i would if i got a parking ticket for being in front of a fire hydrant.
what riles me is the insurance companies making extra money off me for 6 years.
Agreed about the insurance tax. HOWEVER, you are aware of the consequences so you can't blame them. Blame the cop for not being reasonable.:headbang:
Spot said:
i drive at a speed i feel is safe for the conditions.

Funny, I've heard that one so many times from people I've treated in casualty (er) in the past it should be my theme tune.

Of course it wasn't always them sometimes it was their kids, like the little girl who was thrown through the windshield and whom we could do nothing for, all because daddy felt he was driving at a safe speed...

You may not remember their names but you remember their faces... or what's left of them at least. 4 years old - what a way to die...
Spot said:
no. i am not willing to stay under the limit. i drive at a speed i feel is safe for the conditions.


I love people like this. Who do you think set that speed limit? Politicians? It was engineers. Engineers with decades of experience knowing the conditions

Reality check. Dale Earnhart knew the conditions too. And I'll wager he was a lot better driver than either of us will ever be. He's dead. Get it? No? Then I'll spell it out. Conditions change. You can't drive to the conditions. You have to leave a margin.

Example. The car in front of you blows out a tire. Same conditions? I don't think so. A sudden gust of wind blows you out of your lane. Same conditions? Uh uh. Some retard decides to pull a 3 lane change and didn't see you blazing along. Same conditions?

Are you getting the message yet?
Professur said:
You have to leave a margin

where exactly did i say i dont leave a margin?

examples: not once but three times some nitwit blows through a stop sign. not once but twice some nitwit blows through a red light. a drunk driver crosses the center line. another nitwit following a truck decides to take a sudden left before being able to check for oncoming traffic. another loser in a stolen car decides to play a game of beat the oncoming traffic when taking a left and loses.

what speed was i doing just before these accident? you guessed it. the speed limit. yes. every single one.

how many accidents have i been in while driving to fast? none.

how many accidents have i avoided? i stopped counting 20 years ago.

Professur said:
Who do you think set that speed limit? Politicians?

ummm....yeah. they do. at least in this neck of the wood they do. engineers may have a lot of input, but in the end, its the politicians who set the limits. engineers dont write the laws.

Professur said:
Conditions change. You can't drive to the conditions

huh? then what am i supposed to do?

Aunty Em said:
4 years old - what a way to die...

agreed Aunty.
however, an unrestrained 4 year old can get tossed through a windshield at speeds as low as 30mph.
just be careful where you're walking. some lunatic might come screaming around a corner on 2 wheels.....
Professur said:
Engineers with decades of experience knowing the conditions

Nope, it's politicians. Engineers design the road to higher than needed standards. Example-before the 1974(?) oil embargo. Some states had 60-65MPH limits. Many had 70-75 limits & a few (AZ, MT & NV) had no limit.
Gonz said:
Engineers design the road to higher than needed standards
And the contractors build them to lower than needed standards, thanks to the politicians choosing the lowest bidder. They ripped up hundreds of miles of I-75 because of defective construction. The damn thing started falling apart as soon as they let cars drive on it.