No, there's no Socialist movement going on.

So its a list of reliable socialist congress critters that are loved and admired by a bunch money raising socialist.

Thanks for clearing up that they're still socialist..

Seems there was some confusion on this. Now we know that socialist have grammar and spelt that doesn't hold up to Minxie's, or his cat's, standards.

It means, my dear RM..that the entire premise of this thread is based on a fabrication. A lie.

Those Congressmena dn women aren't socialists, nor part of a socialist group. It's a pretty pathetic attempt at creating a new witchhunt - one that you fell for so quickly that you didn't hesitate one moment to check for veracity, but posted it as if it were carved in stone.

Hook, line and sinker. :banghead:
As for the collapse..I'd say that you have more to worry about than some socialist reforms. Your current lax banking system, lackluster production and exports, overblown import and over-reliance on imported oil will do far more to bring about your country's downfall than the glimmer of socialism can ever dream to do.
  • Thanks for the housing collapse and unsustainable loans.
  • Thanks for the Unions and driving production to other country's.
  • Thanks for not allowing domestic drilling.
Who's values brought us these great social innovations?

I think that we can handle the millions. Big place, eh.

Good, we'll be sure push them your way. I still think we should built a bullet train from Mexico to Canadabanana.
It means, my dear RM..that the entire premise of this thread is based on a fabrication. A lie.

Those Congressmena dn women aren't socialists, nor part of a socialist group. It's a pretty pathetic attempt at creating a new witchhunt - one that you fell for so quickly that you didn't hesitate one moment to check for veracity, but posted it as if it were carved in stone.

Hook, line and sinker. :banghead:

No bish. the premise is just fine. Here's a good list of anti-american-fuck-wits that we need to vote out office ASAFP.

  • Thanks for the housing collapse and unsustainable loans.
  • Thanks for the Unions and driving production to other country's.
  • Thanks for not allowing domestic drilling.
Who's values brought us these great social innovations?

Good, we'll be sure push them your way. I still think we should built a bullet train from Mexico to Canadabanana.

* Hence the banking rules. Which were loosened by the Reps.
* Union buster? You never struck me as such. :shrug: Oh well. Blaming unions for cheaper products from elsewhere..hmm. Couldn't possibly be conspicuous consumption and keeping up with the Jones' ? Bigger house, bigger car, bigger TV, bigger tits on the trophy wife - The American Way.
* You can drill to your heart's content, but it ain't gonna take you off the oil teat. Might reduce your import numbers a few points, but you'll never get to an import/export balance with that kind of minimalist thinking
Your right again bish.
  • Forcing banks to make loans to people who cannot afford them was a great idea'r.
  • Everyone knows that Unions brings down the price of manufacturing and doesn't drive manufacturing to other counties. By the same token, making manufacturing policies as hostile as possible has helped to keep jobs at home.
  • Producing oil at home will not cure our ills, so let not even try.
I'm voting for you as US President next time.
As for the collapse..I'd say that you have more to worry about than some socialist reforms. Your current lax banking system, lackluster production and exports, overblown import and over-reliance on imported oil will do far more to bring about your country's downfall than the glimmer of socialism can ever dream to do.

Everything you mention has been damaged or destroyed by over-regualtion & leftist ideals (green comes to mind)
Got the Socialist movement going on.

Spike is a lying bedwetter with unresolved "Daddy" issues
Your right again bish.
  • Forcing banks to make loans to people who cannot afford them was a great idea'r.
  • Everyone knows that Unions brings down the price of manufacturing and doesn't drive manufacturing to other counties. By the same token, making manufacturing policies as hostile as possible has helped to keep jobs at home.
  • Producing oil at home will not cure our ills, so let not even try.
I'm voting for you as US President next time.

The banks WANTED to sell more mortgages (CDO's) so they took both Clinton and Bush for a walk through the garden. The garden says "It's unfair/racist/sexist to limit who can and cannot get a house." Once that hurdle was over, the banks had as much play as they needed. Part of the issue is how banks have to cover investments and how CDO's have to be made. The rules weren't letting the banks get enough leverage to invest, so those regs had to be changed (which they were), then the market had to be opened up to risky (sub-prime) mortgages (Which was also done).

When the housing prices started to fall, the whole house of cards fell in. The bubble burst.

Unions aren't perfect but they do protect the workers from predatory employers and their practices. I suppose that the businesses should be free to pay their employees as little as they think they can away with. After all, if the costs of salary go down, the pricing of items will go down as well, right? :horse: And everyone knows that people should be happy to have work and will go on spending regardless of their income, right? No credit crisis there.

Produce to your heart's content..but it still won't be enough. Better to reduce your consumption to match what you currently produce instead of playing catch-up. There are a few up and comers to the oil consumption game. China, India and Brasil being the three on your heals right now. Soon, they'll start buying up the oil you need or securing contracts for oil lasting decades. If your country cannot get a grip on it's consumption rates then your internal production will become moot. It won't be enough to even cover the gap between what you consume and what you CAN import.
The banks WANTED to sell more mortgages (CDO's) so they took both Clinton and Bush for a walk through the garden. The garden says "It's unfair/racist/sexist to limit who can and cannot get a house."

You were headed down the right path then your sudden U-turn upset the apple cart.

Yes, banks want to make more money. Good for them. Take the best optiosn & loan them money.

Carter started a program (at the moment I'm drawing a blank as to it's name). It allowed Fannie & Freedie to buy bundled mortgages from banks that were of higher risk. Win/win. The bank isn't stuck with bad paper & there are new homeowners.

Clinton expanded that program, with the help of Congress. Rep Barney Frank, (Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee) among others, started pushing for more home ownership. They demanded the banks lower the standards. They then allowed F&F to buy even crappier paper. By the end, they were giving loans away to damn near anyone with a pulse. If the banks tried to tighten the protocol, the Congress threatened to make laws.

GW tried to slow this monster down but Rep Frank said it was OK & refused to help.

Here we stand.
Them vast right wing conspiracies continue

If America doesn’t do an about face it is headed for disaster