Non Confidence vote tonight - Canada

Winky said:
the scummy left wants you to believe that the guy that
goes to work everyday, raises his kids to be good people,
is a God fearin' man,
loves and honors his wife and doesn't
screw around on her, shops at Wal-mart,
isn't a fricken commie, owns firearms and
loves his country is a dolt (doh)

but gee it appears there's a lot of them in Canada too?
...and the scummy right wants you to believe that you can't be all of those things and still be a leftie. :shrug:
Looks like your PM P.M. is out the door. What a mess. Who is the front runner to pick up the pieces? Is it too late for the mumbler? Is Kim still around?
unclehobart said:
Looks like your PM P.M. is out the door. What a mess. Who is the front runner to pick up the pieces? Is it too late for the mumbler? Is Kim still around?
He's still head of the Liberal party. He's about to walk into the office of the Governor General to ask for Parliment to be dissolved (as I type this).

The GVT works on automatic pilot with no new bills, laws or modifications of existing bills of laws until Jan 23rd..when we got to the polls again. In the meanwhile...a whole whack of really great bills sit and wait, and may fall by the wayside. :(

At least the 'Do not Call list' bill passed Royal Ascent before the Parliment fell to the vote. :D Several others squeeked through:
-A public inquiry into the 1985 Air India massacre headed by former Ontario premier Bob Rae.

-$2 billion in compensation for victims of abuse at aboriginal residential schools.

-Changes to income-trust guidelines that include lower taxes for individual investors.

-$755 million for hard-pressed grain and oilseed farmers.

-A multimillion-dollar investment in labour-market training for Ontario.

-A series of judicial appointments that included three judges added to provincial benches and another to Federal Court.

-The government also plans to announce that around $700 million will be spent to improve the immigration system
unclehobart said:
Is Kim still around?
Kim Campbell? She's not a liberal, but a Torie (Conservative). She's not in GVT anymore...wrote a book and went back to teaching Political science.

Nice woman...met her in 1997(approx.). She was staying at a hotel where I worked. I'd asked for an autograph through a fellow co-worker. She went one better...physically coming down from her room at 11pm (when my shift started) and we sat on the couches in front of the main desk and talked politics, her book and her aspirations for about 1 hour while someone covered for me.

Mumble-mumble-Mulroony was also a Torie.
unclehobart said:
Looks like your PM P.M. is out the door. What a mess. Who is the front runner to pick up the pieces? Is it too late for the mumbler? Is Kim still around?

The laughing stock is that no party at the moment can beat the libs in an election, but the libs can't get enough to form a majority. The Bloc is currently keeping the libs in power and as a minority by leaching all the quebec votes. It's pretty much the Tories have the west, the Libs Ontario, Bloc has Quebec, and the NDP has the east coast (correct me if I'm wrong). As Ontario has the biggest number of seats, anyone holding it is the gov't unless someone can ally the east and west against them. And with the 70 some quebec seats out of play, there's just not enough seats to carry. The libs only hope for a majority is if they can draw more of the Montreal seats.
That's the crux of the issue right there...the non-liberal parties are trying to get in on one issue. Punish the Libs for the Sponsorship scandal. Basically....elect us because we're not the Liberals.

The polls show that this is flying somewhat...but not enough. The 'punish the Liberals' votes will get split amongst the opposing parties, none of them will get enough to get even a minority lead and we'll be back with a Liberal minority.

If the 3 parties work together to support one of them (All work to try to get votes for the Tories)...then the Tories'll get a minority GVT...but frankly, I don't see that happening.

If the Tories get their ass in gear and prove to the people that they're more than just a one-issue platform, then they've got a chance to get in. A small chance per se..but a chance nonetheless.

The Bloc and NDP have no chance of forming the this point, all they can do is steal votes and seats away from both Liberals and Tories.

At least all parties are talking about a Christmas-time break from open electioneering...come January 2nd...people better learn to duck from all the mud-slinging, cause there's going to be rocks hidden amongst the mudpies, eh.
Inkara1 said:
Does that mean January is attack ad season? Oh boy! :D already started, but yeah...that's about right! The vote is the 23rd of January.

Visualize me sloughing through 2 feet of snow in -35 deg weather to vote. Not a lot of Canadians will be happy that day.

*According to the latest polls...the Green party has 5% of the vote :rofl:
I'd prefer that it stay in Canada... that way we get to sit and laugh without being the ones who are directly screwed over by it.
rrfield said:
I kind of wish the USandA had this kind of gov't. It would be very entertaining!

We hate each other already & it's only every 4 years, imagine the fiasco if we could kick 'em out of power on a weekly basis.
I like the Parlimentary Debate rules... did you know that you can't be charged with defamation of character for anything said within the walls of Parliment?

The Conservative Leader got a slap on the wrist for linking the Liberals with Organized Crime... not because of what he said, but because he'd said it outside the Parliment. If he'd been inside..they couldn't have touched him!

I've tuned in before...half the time it's boring as all hell, especially during filibusters, but sometimes...they have to bullet-proof the cameras...just in case. :)
MrBishop said:
did you know that you can't be charged with defamation of character for anything said within the walls of Parliment?

Good. Let debate reign supreme, until Leslie comes along & straighten them out :D

Hey, this might be a good time to invade.