Nonproliferation Treaty


molṑn labé
Staff member
FAILS!!!! Kwik, Kall Koffee.

Iran has turned away U.N. inspectors wanting to examine its underground nuclear site in an apparent violation of the Nonproliferation Treaty, diplomats and U.N. officials said Monday.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the information, told The Associated Press that Iran's unprecedented refusal to allow access to the facility at Natanz could seriously hamper international efforts to ensure that Tehran is not trying to make nuclear weapons.

The revelation came on the eve of Iran's self-imposed Aug. 22 deadline to respond to a Western incentives package for it to roll back its disputed nuclear program. The United Nations has given Tehran until the end of August to suspend uranium enrichment.


Doesn't he know this looks bad? I sure hope world public opinion of Iran isn't hurt by this.
Not sure what you mean. Except you seem to be focusing on me again instead of the discussion.
Well, whether the US is violating that treaty isn't part of the discussion either, so since you brought that up, it's only fair that I can bring up how you spent a lot of time telling us day in and day out that Israel violates treaties, and now you say the US is violating a treaty.

In other words... "Hi, kettle! I'm pot. You're black."
Inkara1 said:
Well, whether the US is violating that treaty isn't part of the discussion either, so since you brought that up, it's only fair that I can bring up how you spent a lot of time telling us day in and day out that Israel violates treaties, and now you say the US is violating a treaty.

In other words... "Hi, kettle! I'm pot. You're black."

The title of the thread is "Nonproliferation Treaty" and a country has "an apparent violation". I pointed out that the US is violating that treaty.

You focused on me apparently implying that mentioning two countries in different threads violating treaties is too much for your taste.
So why does it matter if the US is violating the treaty or not? If the US is, does that make it OK for Iran to do it too?

Your post had nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Face it. My post had to do with your post, which had nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
Inkara1 said:
So why does it matter if the US is violating the treaty or not? If the US is, does that make it OK for Iran to do it too?

It would certainly be a more apt application of the kettle-pot thing than the one you used.
Spike, what is your problem? The UN (your favorite buddies) and Iran are the topics of discussion. If the US had imposed that deadline, you'd have some ground to stand on. They didn't, and you don't. If you care to start a thread about how the US is in violation of some treaty or another, and back it up with some proof, proof a little more reliable that some twat's blog, feel free. Until then, please take your hatemongering elsewhere.
BTW...for those who have no clue...

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty was written in 1968 to stop the spread of nuclear weapons...meaning that any country that had such weapons before 1968 was, and is, allowed to have them. Any other country signing said treaty agreed, and agrees, to not develope, or use, nuclear weapons.
spike said:
Not sure what you mean. Except you seem to be focusing on me again instead of the discussion.

If I didn't know any better this would sound paranoid and since spike thinks highly of the useless nations I would also say delusional....

Anywho, back to the disscusion...

The UN will handle this the same way that it had been handled with Iraq, nothing if to pass a couple "resolutions" that will be ignored by Iran...
The UN will remain useless until it finally recruits it's own soldiers instead of borrowing from everyone else.

Let's face it. The majority of UN soldiers are US soldiers ... and that means that the only time the UN has any muscle is when the US decides it's going to. And that is always seen as the US sticking it's own policy into international politics.
Also untill it becomes a governing body instead of a consortion of noise makers... If that happens I hope and pray I won't be around to see it...
Professur said:
Spike, what is your problem? The UN (your favorite buddies) and Iran are the topics of discussion. If the US had imposed that deadline, you'd have some ground to stand on. They didn't, and you don't. If you care to start a thread about how the US is in violation of some treaty or another, and back it up with some proof, proof a little more reliable that some twat's blog, feel free. Until then, please take your hatemongering elsewhere.

A country violating the NPT was the topic. Pointing out that the poster's country is violating the NPT is pretty on-topic. Before you start bitching about something like "hatemongering" you'd think there's be some sort of hate involved.

You pretty much don't have a leg to stand on asking ANYBODY to prove anything considering what I've seen from your actions.

Now everybody stay on topic according to Professur's definition here at Off Topic Central.
highwayman said:
If I didn't know any better this would sound paranoid and since spike thinks highly of the useless nations I would also say delusional....

Glad you know better than to say something silly like that.
spike said:
It is a pleasure to address the third Preparatory Meeting of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Chairman on assuming his responsibilities.

The United States supports the Non-Proliferation Treaty and is committed to its goals. But despite our strong support, the support of many NPT countries and the best intentions of most of you here, at least four NPT non-nuclear member countries were or are using the NPT as cover for the development of nuclear weapons. States like Iran are actively violating their treaty obligations, and have gained access to technologies and materials for their nuclear weapons programs. North Korea violated its NPT obligations while a party, and then proved its strategic decision to seek nuclear weapons by withdrawing from the Treaty entirely. Two states in the past -- Iraq and Libya -- had also violated the NPT. Libya took the important decision to disclose and eliminate its weapons of mass destruction programs, a paradigm that other nations now seeking nuclear weapons should emulate.

This is part of the second link you googled, the first one is nothing but talk and no evidence...