Northeasters, check in?


New Member
We all got a wicked snow/ice storm today, I really felt like I had my life in my hands a few times on the drive home. Just to pick up Rusty and get back out to a main road is 4.2 miles which usually takes 10 minutes. It took me two and a half hours.

We decided, since the traffic was so bad, and since the roads were completely covered in layer upon layer of ice and snow, that we would wait it out. So we went to dinner at Applebee's and then went to a movie. We saw Million Dollar Baby. Wow, what a flick.

When we left the theatre, there was no more traffic but the roads are still really really bad. You can't plow solid ice I guess and it ain't melting when the temp is in the teens and dropping.

I just wanted to know how everyone else did. Canadians, did you get hit with this storm before it got us? Not a lot of snow, but the temp dropped so drastically in a few hours, it hit us hard.

Anyway, hope everyone's ok. :)
See Trish. Had you moved to one of the burroughs none of this would be a problem. Trains, subways, busses & highly skilled cab drivers would have gotten you around safe & sound. Plus, if you took a cab you could have learned to swear in Arabic.
:lol: @ Gonz!

He's right. I never left the apartment today and, thus, wasn't affected in the least bit by today's storm. Tomorrow, I expect the subways will be running their usual patterns and I will get to training precisely at 5:00 p.m. One of the few plusses of city living. :)
just drove Diana to work. temps 19F, wind is blowing like crazy. there is a layer of wet, slippery snow under a top coating of light fluffy stuff. the snow was melting and turning to ice when it hit the windshield. roads arent plowed yet. roads were relatively empty.
i was driving her new car and was having a blast. :D
Gonz said:
See Trish. Had you moved to one of the burroughs none of this would be a problem. Trains, subways, busses & highly skilled cab drivers would have gotten you around safe & sound. Plus, if you took a cab you could have learned to swear in Arabic.
Dunno about that Gonz; just saw a cab go skidding around on 2nd Ave.

It's a fricking hurricane here now; the wind is fierce! :eek:
I'll have pics coming later. While I was on this hill by work, I figured as long as I wasn't moving, I would snap a few. None of the snow really stuck to the trees though so we didn't get that pretty snow/ice look going. It just all blanketed the streets. :mad:

Today's commute wasn't too bad. 26 miles to work... saw 4 cars, 1 truck and two tractor trailers that ran off the road into ditches/woods, three spinouts, and four accidents. And people are still driving like there's no ice on the road. Jerkoffs.

Gonz, me living in the boroughs will never happen. Hell, it took me weeks of convincing to consider working there, nevermind living there. I'm an island/suburb girl, I'll never be anything else. I would have worked from home if this all had happened earlier in the day, or I had any inkling of how bad it was going to be. :shrug:
greenfreak said:
I'm an island/suburb girl, I'll never be anything else.

So when will you begin looking to move to Trout River Deer Fly Kill, all the fancy schmancy White Plains northern burbs?

Huge...there has to be some kind of proper racist joke about cabbies & sand, I just can't think of it right now :shrug: :D
Gonz said:
So when will you begin looking to move to Trout River Deer Fly Kill, all the fancy schmancy White Plains northern burbs?
If there's one thing I know, it's where I want to call home. It ain't the city and it ain't upstate NY. Like I said before, I am an island girl. [gump]And that's all I have to say about that.[/gump]

Prof, what a freakin nightmare. Was it cold enough to be all snow for you? Or did you get the rain/sudden temp drop like we did?

Even through all that, I saw people who had it worse. Cars stuck on the side of the road, people walking to bus stops. There's no use in getting pissed off about it cus it won't get me home quicker. So we made the best of it.
You know, many people have asked me why i don't live in upstate NY anymore...
greenfreak said:
Besides that it's boring as hell you mean? ;)

Now, I never found it boring at all once I'd grown up and gotten away from the farm. Ithaca is a fun place to live. Lots to do. Colder than the nether regions of a long dead virgin, but lots to do. You don't like water sports/five star restaraunts/live music/theater/etc.? ;)
Traffic was a bitch-and-a-half. People forget how to drive in snow after 48hrs of decent weather. Some of the steeper streets of Montreal were accident-ridden. People sliding backwards into the people tailgating behind them.

It was friggin' cold last night... -30cel or so. COld enough to freeze the nuts off a skyscraper :D

Snow, freezing rain, hail, freezing hail and then...the cold.
chcr said:
Now, I never found it boring at all once I'd grown up and gotten away from the farm. Ithaca is a fun place to live. Lots to do. Colder than the nether regions of a long dead virgin, but lots to do. You don't like water sports/five star restaraunts/live music/theater/etc.? ;)
I never picture upstate as a place with cities. I always picture farmland, that's it. :D

I've been up to Cortlandt U and Oneonta visiting friends, it was just not my thing. I like a nice mix of open space and convenience. Where I live is a little too closed-in for my tastes but we have a great town center.
A.B.Normal said:
What,no pics :mope:
Ask... and ye shall receive.

To the left under the green signs is the Long Island Expressway, with cars packed in like sardines. I was on the service road, just coming over a hill. As you can see, the road is all ice.


Here towards the right, you can see how the traffic snakes down to the bottom. You can see the red traffic light over the back of the dump truck. Took me about a half an hour to get from the first pic to that traffic light.


God damn postal workers!! :mad:

Yeah, we got er pretty good last night too.

Strong rain and wind all night, then in the morning it turned to heavy snow. It was very slippery out this morning.
greenfreak said:
I never picture upstate as a place with cities. I always picture farmland, that's it. :D

I've been up to Cortlandt U and Oneonta visiting friends, it was just not my thing. I like a nice mix of open space and convenience. Where I live is a little too closed-in for my tastes but we have a great town center.

Visit Ithaca sometime. Cornell, Ithaca College, The Commons (a pedestrian mall 3X6 blocks) and they have one of the most respected hotel schools at Cornell, so there are good places to stay and to eat. It's not that big a city, but since so many rich folk spend time there (Ivy League, after all) there are many good stores. If it weren't for the winters, I'd still live there.