Not a good Idea


Its no different than coughing up the Panama Canal to the Chinese a few years back. We've already lost... its just a matter of time.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
Well this story seems to be getting more press time now.

Anyone else care to ahead light on your thoughts on it?

big deal, not a big deal, don't really know...?
Still uncertain. On the surface it's idiotic. However, if the company is purely managerial & will have little or no hands-on contact :shrug:
heh heh heh
and which President was it that signed over the canal again?

Starts with a C and ends with peanut farmer?
IMO Chertoff is turning into an even worse ver. of Brown.
He hasn't done what he said on the border yet.
He hasn't gotten the Katrina mess on track yet.
and now this.

It's like I heard one Rep. strategist say yesterday.
It is time for GW to step in and stop the bleeding at HS.

Still only 5% of cargo is checked in the ports.

I'm finishing up my emergency kit provisions today.
If something doesn't change, something bad is coming.
Now is not the time to get complacent.
They can't find an American company to run American ports? Even if there were no possibility of terrorist activity, it's shameful. When do they outsource the government?
UN ideals of surrender via proxy have been creeping in for 15 years. Who needs a knife at the throat to be conquered anymore when a stack of paperwork will do just as well?
It's okay Gonz, you can be against it now...

Dubai has been far from faultless in the War on Terrorism. The 9-11 Commission Report documents how al-Qaida and the 9-11 terrorists who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon used Dubai as a banking facility and a country of transit. Dubai continues to work actively with the radical religious clerics ruling Iran, serving both as a vacation home and a capital haven to many of the wealthy mullahs and their families...

With Iran defiantly pursuing a nuclear program believed to be building weapons, and with Dubai having established financial connections with al-Qaida operatives, is President Bush having another "Harriet Miers moment" in allowing Dubai Ports World to gain operations control over American ports in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia?

Holy Shit!!!!! Not jumping on the anti-Dubai bandwagon was almost a catastrophe.

''The overall threat to the United States and security, I don't think it exists,'' Carter said on CNN's The Situation Room. ``I'm sure the president's done a good job with his subordinates to make sure this is not a threat.''

It's just been reported that the pres. is going to hardline on this one.
I think it's a mistake.
At least stall it until it's discussed GW.... :confused:
Well, he talked a good game, and seemed to follow through on other things.
At this point though, I really Don't feel any safer than I did right after 9/11.
catocom said:
Well, he talked a good game, and seemed to follow through on other things.
At this point though, I really Don't feel any safer than I did right after 9/11.
Neither does anyone else.