Not an old thread

Leslie said:
I can always tell when it's "coming".

There's this weird pulsating balls thing...I've just always known.

Yeah, and the toe curls, and the clenchy fists, and the tummy muscle shudders. :)
But there were few times that it took me completely by surprise...took them by surprise too, methinks. Anti-climactic, if you'll pardon the pun. I kinda just had to stop in mid performance thinking " well, guess that's just about that then"
unclehobart said:
Dare I ask about taste and the subtle effects of diet?

I have never had the inclination to roll the stuff about on my pallet to offer any sort of gustatory critic. :)
Camelyn said:
I have never had the inclination to roll the stuff about on my pallet to offer any sort of gustatory critic. :)
ok ewwwwwwwww lol

I'm thinking...imagine gargling warmed to almost liquid vaseline which has been salted beyond recognition.
Leslie said:
I'm thinking...imagine gargling warmed to almost liquid vaseline which has been salted beyond recognition.

I'm thinking that sounds about right. I don't care *what* you eat, I'm not volunteering for a taste test. :)
unclehobart said:
As a gentlemenly act, would you prefer to be warned or just let the heat of the moment take its course?

Forget gentlemanly. I kinda... ok, I *really* dig it when the guy moans/pants/groans "Oh God! I gonna..." ;) Makes you work harder :)
tonks said:
what cam's like swallowing alot of warm, salty post nasal drip.

So you're saying it tastes like snot?

Unc, I don't think it's so much that guys don't warn off, but that the ladies don't hear us since we're holding onto their ears.;)
snotlike, but saltier...slightly gummier than postnasal drip.

*retching as I type*
That was in regards to ear grabbin' ... not commenting upon the saltiness. I may be open minded... but not THAT open minded.