Not enough choices

SouthernN'Proud said:
God created us male and female.

Yes, rare instances occur when the genetic code takes a powder and comes out altered. In my eyes, that does not create a third gender. I even know someone with this disorder. Guess what? He's a guy.
BeardofPants said:
Over here, that would invalidate some forms. :shrug:
Why is it such a big-ass deal that some people want a third option? If a NZ-European didn't have an NZ-European box to check, but had to choose between European, and American, for example, when neither fits...?

Boxes BoP, everybody has to fit in boxes and only I, in my infinite wisdom, truly understand what the labels are supposed to be. :lloyd:

Edit: BTW, your a "Danged Furriner" in case you were wondering.
European or American & I'm a NZer, I will check none of the above (or none).

Genetically, hermephrodites are one, or the other.

We have enough damned problems with two sexes, why do so many insist on creating more checkboxes?
Starya said:
I'm with Bobby on this one.

Another ditto here, with a caveat.

While I tend to agree with those who view human sexuality as a cut-and-dried issue of XX and XY, I can understand the viewpoint of those who advocate recognition of a middle ground for "Gender Non-Conforming People".

I just don't see how it could hurt those who have a clear-cut gender identity to allow those who don't to identify their gender non-preference. Laissez les bon temps roulet, or whatever makes ya happy, etc.
Gonz said:
Genetically, hermephrodites are one, or the other.
American or European? I didn't realize that had to do with genetics. :lloyd:

*sigh* Genetically, hermaphrodites are both. That's what it means.

Not XX, not XY but XXY.
Bobby Hogg said:
Why are people here so hostile to a different opinion? By your last comment, it's as if you would prefer it I held or my tongue or merely agreed with everything that is posted, regardless of my personal feelings.
It's not everyone.

I've been wondering the same thing myself for years.
Leslie said:
Bobby Hogg said:
Why are people here so hostile to a different opinion? By your last comment, it's as if you would prefer it I held or my tongue or merely agreed with everything that is posted, regardless of my personal feelings.
It's not everyone.

I've been wondering the same thing myself for years.

Why are people being hostile to Bobby Hogg? Did I miss something? His counterpoints are not presented in an inflammatory manner, and he seems to be an intelligent and polite person. Just because he isn't afraid to voice an opinion than often differs from the (local) mainstream doesn't mean he should be insulted or attacked. While there are other members who seem to enjoy being contradictory purely for the sake of obstinacy, BH doesn't deserve to be included in that group. :shrug:
No, I don't understand it either. SOME people have been VERY insulting, despite the fact that Bobby Hogg has consistently not risen up to the bait and flamed them back. I don't understand it. :confused:
chcr said:
American or European? I didn't realize that had to do with genetics. :lloyd:

*sigh* Genetically, hermaphrodites are both. That's what it means.

Not XX, not XY but XXY.

Yep, and I hafta add a "well duh", cos I thought that that should have been obvious. :brush: I should add that on top of the chromosomal stuff, you also have to consider what that means in terms of the person's personal (behavioural) identity. For some hermaphrodites, it means being male, for some it means being female, and for some it means being neither... And they are coded for both. Why are people so threatened about what is considered 'outside' of the norm?

BTW, SNP, do you read anything OTHER than :alienhuh:
chcr said:
sigh* Genetically, hermaphrodites are both. That's what it means. Not XX, not XY but XXY.

BeardofPants said:
Yep, and I hafta add a "well duh"

A hermaphrodite has the sexual organs of both. That does not necessarily mean they are possesed with both XX & XY, or even intersexual anonomalies. Duh.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Yes, rare instances occur when the genetic code takes a powder and comes out altered. In my eyes, that does not create a third gender. I even know someone with this disorder. Guess what? He's a guy.

It's not that rare.
BeardofPants said:
No, I don't understand it either. SOME people have been VERY insulting, despite the fact that Bobby Hogg has consistently not risen up to the bait and flamed them back. I don't understand it. :confused:

Bobby Hogg said:
SouthernN' Proud said:
You're redundantly redundant.
Well done. You can point out typos. You have reached the intelligence level of Microsoft Word.

Well, maybe not so consistently . . . :lol2:

Bah. I come to this message board to be silly and have fun. I go elsewhere for snarking and serious debate on current events. I'm going back to the Lunatic Lounge where I belong. Carry on.
Gonz said:
A hermaphrodite has the sexual organs of both. That does not necessarily mean they are possesed with both XX & XY, or even intersexual anonomalies. Duh.

Correct. However, this quite a different statement from:

Gonz said:
Genetically, hermephrodites are one, or the other.

From the above link:

There are dozens of named medical conditions that may lead to intersex anatomy. Fertility is variable. The distinctions "male pseudohermaphrodite", "female pseudohermaphrodite" and especially "true hermaphrodite" are vestiges of 19th century thinking that placed "true sex" in the histology (microscopic appearance) of the gonads.
The common habit in the 21st century of elevating the role of the sex chromosomes above all other factors when determining gender may be analogous to the older habit of finding "true" sex in the gonads. Though high school biology teaches that men have XY and women XX chromosomes, in fact there are quite a few other possible combinations such as XO, XXX, XXY, XYY, XO/XY, XX male, XY female, and there are many individuals who do not follow the typical patterns (such as cases with four or even more sex chromosomes).
and there are many individuals who do not follow the typical patterns

Many...not most, not even a plurality or a majority. While my statement may not be complete, it stands to reason as relaible outside the halls of science. Given more information, we now know than some are complete genetic freaks but a most are, as I said, one or the other.

Well, if you insist.

man·y P Pronunciation Key (mn)
adj. more, (môr, mr) most (mst)
Being one of a large indefinite number; numerous: many a child; many another day.
Amounting to or consisting of a large indefinite number: many friends.
Still, if most are "one or the other", why would that make it so complicated to acknowledge (sp?) that some are "neither or both"?