Not enough choices

Because humans come in two distinct flavors. Once in a while, an error in the genetic makeup happens. We shouldn't require new language & clasifications & requirements for the few that slip between the cracks. They are scientific oddities, not new entries to the class, order, genus or species.

As I said earlier, we have problems with two...let's not muddy the waters further.
All you are doing is suggesting we ignore something that is quite clearly there.

Anyway, the point is that these people do exist and thus they are perfectly correct in maintaining support structures for themselves. I don't see why anyone should have a problem with it. It must be bad enough being described as freaks etc. and if a job fair helps them find a company who gives them a fair chance, then I say more power to them.
All anomolies will now require entirely new classifications. Six fingered freaks to the left, one legged abnormals to the right. Those born blind watch your step :lol:
Getting back to the original story...

He wants a third option, to describe gender preference.

Preference denotes a choice. Perhaps those born with this problem have a valid point, perhaps not. Those who choose to mutilate themselves are not in any position to demand others accept their choices or change anything to suit a whim.
Gonz said:
All anomolies will now require entirely new classifications. Six fingered freaks to the left, one legged abnormals to the right. Those born blind watch your step :lol:

I don't see how this relates to intersex births. They are all still people, there is no need to re-classify people who are different.

The simple matter is that quite a substantial number of people are born with indeterminable sex. It seems you would prefer to label them "freaks" rather than accept the term "intersex" which is used most often.

An intersex child is born once out of every 2000 births, which isn't particularly rare.
Gonz said:
Getting back to the original story...

Preference denotes a choice. Perhaps those born with this problem have a valid point, perhaps not. Those who choose to mutilate themselves are not in any position to demand others accept their choices or change anything to suit a whim.

Calling it a "whim" is slightly ludicrous. I doubt anyone decides to undergo a sex change based on a whim, given the years of pain it involves.
Bobby Hogg said:
Calling it a "whim" is slightly ludicrous. I doubt anyone decides to undergo a sex change based on a whim, given the years of pain it involves.
Precisely. It's not like a person gets up one morning, stretches, yawns and go: "Hey. I wonder what it would be like to be a... Hm, actually that could be neat. Cool, I'm getting a sex change then! :lloyd: "

Gender reassignement is a wee bit more complex than that.
"i'm unhappy so I think I'll pretend to be a girl & cut off my dick" is the sign of a distrubed mind. It's not my job to pretend to like it or agree with it. In the end, that makes no difference. However, we're talking general philosophy here, not specifics.
Gonz said:
"i'm unhappy so I think I'll pretend to be a girl & cut off my dick" is the sign of a distrubed mind. It's not my job to pretend to like it or agree with it. In the end, that makes no difference. However, we're talking general philosophy here, not specifics.

Transsexualism is A gender identity disorder in which the person believes he is the victim of a biologic accident, cruelly imprisoned in a body incompatible with his subjective gender identity.


little bit different, gonz. you really like to oversimplify things so that they fit your world view, i've noticed.
ash said:
A gender identity disorder in which the person believes he is the victim of a biologic accident

Oversimplify is simply cutting through the bullshit. Note the emboldened words.