not everybody

Self-loathing libruls are a pathetic detriment to this country. :rolleyes:

Pentagon: 61 ex-Guantanamo inmates return to terrorism

The Pentagon said it considers a former detainee's return to terrorism "confirmed" when evidence shows direct involvement in terrorist activities. U.S. officials see a "suspected" terrorism links when intelligence shows a plausible link with terrorist activities.

The human rights crowd is right: Life is hard for a Guantanamo Bay detainee. The deprivation is unspeakable.

According to the facility's "cultural adviser," their brains have not been "stimulated" enough. So this Thanksgiving, America has drawn up plans to provide the 250 or so suspected jihadists at the "notoriously Spartan" detention camp with basic sustenance including, as reported by the Miami Herald, movie nights, art classes, English language lessons and "Game Boy-like" electronic devices.

Next up: Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, Sudoku, People magazine and macrame. Anything less would be uncivilized.

Open your arms, Canada. There is no evidence that these former terrorists will actually return to terror.

OTTAWA - Omar Khadr isn't the only Guantanamo inmate who could look northward if the incoming Obama administration carries through on its promise to shut the military prison.

Three other men who once lived in Canada are being held at the U.S. naval base in Cuba and could be candidates to return to this country if they're released.
Look what happens when a group of dedicated wannabes gets together & plans an attack...


Yeah funny how "the conspiracy theorists" are almost 50% of America now. That wasn't a bunch or Arab terrorists. I know how badly you want, maybe need to believe it was, but its funny how planes have struck lesser buildings in the past but this is the first time in recorded history one fell because of it, and wonder of wonders it took down two and a spare nearby one. It was an evil miracle! Yes I am a "conspiracy theorist", in that I do not for a minute believe what the goverment wants us to believe about 9/11, but no, I am not going to argue it with you because there is no point. I only know that the official account is quite far from what really happened. It even payed great political dividends.....for a while....

Thing is even if the official account was 100% accurate, it changes nothing about how I feel about the "wrongness" of gitmo. If a group of white supremacist American perpetrated such a crime, they would have been afforded constitutional rights....

I am done with this debate, because unlike spike I know some people would rather blindly follow than learn something that challenges what they feel the need to blindly believe.
Oh one last thing. If it was Arab terrorists it may be that they do have God on their side being as they broke scores of laws of physics accomplishing 9/11.....

Be fearful, very very fearful, that just how they want you to be!
Self-loathing libruls are a pathetic detriment to this country. :rolleyes:

Liberals don't loath themselves. They do tend to loath irrational arguments that ignore the facts coming from self-loathing cons.

Just as the Government's claims that the Guantanamo detainees "were picked up on the battlefield, fighting American forces, trying to kill American forces," do not comport with the Department of Defense's own data, neither do its claims that former detainees have "returned to the fight." The Department of Defense has publicly insisted that at least thirty (30) former Guantanamo detainees have "returned" to the battlefield, where they have been re-captured or killed. To date, however, the Department has described at most fifteen (15) possible recidivists, and has identified only seven (7) of these individuals by name. More strikingly, data provided by the Department of Defense reveals that:

- at least eight (8) of the fifteen (15) individuals identified alleged by the Government to have "returned to the fight" are accused of nothing more than speaking critically of the Government's detention policies;

- ten (10) of the individuals have neither been re-captured nor killed by anyone;

- and of the five (5) individuals who are alleged to have been re-captured or killed, two (2) of the individuals' names do not appear on the list of individuals who have at any time been detained at Guantanamo, and the remaining three (3) include one (1) individual who was killed in an apartment complex in Russia by local authorities and one (1) who is not listed among former Guantanamo detainees but who, after his death, has been alleged to have been detained under a different name.

"Indeed, those Guantanamo detainees who have been released since 9/11--discussed at length by critics of this legislation--have been freed by the military following its own process, not by federal judges on habeas review."

Whoever wrote that is a moron who's trying to distract from the real issues.

"WASHINGTON - Medical examinations of former terrorism suspects held by the U.S. military at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, found evidence of torture and other abuse that resulted in serious injuries and mental disorders, according to a human rights group.

For the most extensive medical study of former U.S. detainees published so far, Physicians for Human Rights had doctors and mental health professionals examine 11 former prisoners. The group alleges that it found evidence of U.S. torture and war crimes and accuses U.S. military health professionals of allowing the abuse of detainees, denying them medical care and providing confidential medical information to interrogators that they then exploited.

One Iraqi prisoner, identified only as Yasser, reported being subjected to electric shocks three times and being sodomized with a stick. His thumbs bore round scars consistent with shocking, according to the report obtained by The Associated Press. He would not allow a full rectal exam."

Even the attempt to classify most of the people who actually really engaged in fighting as "terrorists" is idiotic since only 8% are even "suspected" as even having connections to Al Qaeda.

This Iraq farce on a whole is one of the biggest stupid blunders in American history. It was perpetrated because Iraq was played up as an "imminent threat" which turned out to be quite wrong and because of WMDs which turned out to be wrong. That colossal blunder Bush refers to as a "disappointment" now.

We were supposed to be there for something like 3 months. They were really wrong. It wasn't supposed to cost that much, they were really really wrong.

The whole management of the post invasion occupation could have been run better by a random group of 5th graders. Instead of using the existing ministries of Iraq and their existing military that was waiting to help he disbanded everything and plunged the nation into chaos. Turning trained soldiers into jobless resentful fighters.

How anyone continue to trust this administration run this never ending clusterfuck is beyond comprehension. You have to hate yourself one hell of a lot to think your nation doesn't deserve better leadership than that.

You do realize that IF we accept detainees, it'll be after a trial, right? Ya know...that infamous habeus corpus that you so lovingly forgot about.

Omar was 15 at the time of his capture. He's the first to actually get a trial. He's accused of killing an American soldier with a grenade. Records show that his records were modified.

Canada has not requested extradition for Khad'r. The GVT is waiting for the results of the is the norm.
So let's discuss these "lesser" buildings which have been hit and not been brought down.

The first thing one needs to understand is the thermal and force dynamics involved.

July 28, 1945:

Mitchell B-25 bomber hits the Empire State Building between the 79th and 80th floors killing 14 people.

Aircraft Specifications:

Wing Span: 67 ft 7 in
Length: 51 ft
Height: 16 ft 4 in
Weight: (Empty) 19,530 lb or 9.77 tons (Gross) 26,122 lb or 13.06 tons
Maximum Speed: 458.66 km/h
Maximum fuel capacity: 670 gal
BTU Content of 1 gal aviation gas: 120,200

Thermal output capacity w/ full tanks: 80,534,000 btu

Impact force at maximum weight and speed 11,848.74 kg * 127.41 m/s = 1,509,605.30 N

September 11, 2001:

A Boeing 767-200ER series aircraft hits International Trade Tower between the 94th and 98th floors killing nearly 3,000 people.

Aircraft Specifications:

Wing span: 156ft 1in
Length: 159ft 2in
Height: 52ft 0in
Weight: (Empty) 178,400 lb or 63.91 tons (Gross) 315,000 lb or 157.50 tons
Maximum Speed: 914 km/h
Maximum fuel capacity: 11,466 gal
BTU Content of 1 gal jet fuel: 125,935

Thermal output capacity w/ full tanks: 1,443,970,710 btu

Impact force at maximum weight and speed 142,881.6 kg * 253.88 m/s = 36,274,780.61 N

Weight differential: 288,878 lb or 144.44 tons

Speed differential: 455.34 km/h

Thermal capacity differential: 1,363,436,710 btu

Impact force differential: 34,765,175.31 N

And you wonder why the Empire State Building is still standing while the Trade Center ended up a burned out heap of rubble?
Wow, Cerise made a straw man argument and you followed. That makes you guys look incredibly silly. It's like you two are arguing against each other but directed at things nobody said in the first place.

This is bizarre occurence. You've made an illogical wormhole of nothingness.
You agree that widely-known talking points of troofer theorists are strawman?

Do you feel O.K.?
Wow, Cerise made a straw man argument and you followed. That makes you guys look incredibly silly. It's like you two are arguing against each other but directed at things nobody said in the first place.

This is bizarre occurence. You've made an illogical wormhole of nothingness.

The quote was this:

That wasn't a bunch or Arab terrorists. I know how badly you want, maybe need to believe it was, but its funny how planes have struck lesser buildings in the past but this is the first time in recorded history one fell because of it, and wonder of wonders it took down two and a spare nearby one. It was an evil miracle! Yes I am a "conspiracy theorist", in that I do not for a minute believe what the goverment wants us to believe about 9/11, but no, I am not going to argue it with you because there is no point. I only know that the official account is quite far from what really happened. It even payed great political dividends.....for a while....

Nobody said in the first place? There was plenty said and we responded.

The two comparative airplane hits on tall structures is not equal as the two events involved vastly different aircraft capable of vastly differing forces.

1,509,605.30 N vs. 34,765,175.31 N of force;

80,534,000 btu vs. 1,363,436,710 btu of thermal energy.

Do the math.