Nother how you doin thread

Yes, alternate days with the exercising... with weight training/body building the pain you feel after a workout is the muscle breaking down, when you rest it allows the muscle to recover and it will be stronger next time, so you push it a little more and so the story goes... that's how these guys build up size and enormous strength - women also... did I mention that this was part of my regime when I was a martial artist? If you constantly excercise without the rest in between you don't give the muscles time to recover and build up. It works pretty much the same way with most exercise regimes.
When i actually showed up for school, i learned that the atkins diet DOES work but if very bad for your liver. You just eliminate all carbs from your diet. That includes suger. for the first 3 days you will be totally exhausted. then you will eventually use fat as your energy, and you can lose like 40 pounds in a month
All good points... but I know how my body reacts. Even under reduced calories the nutritional value is still way better than the pizza/sugary goop fare of the typical yank diet. I'm very sensitive to the affectations upon my body chemistry and know when to say when. I'm doing better and feeling better now than I did a month ago. I am at precious little risk for any kind of cholesterol spike as I normally have dangerously low cholesterol. Any kind of short term raise would be a benefit. The weight loss numbers aren't so over the top when you consider that I started out at 272 and am now down to 247. Its easy to drop a quick amount of weight when you start out so off kilter to begin with. Now if I started out at say 210 and dropped to 185 in a single month... that would be a cause for concern. Thats too great of a percentage within the fat/lean tissue mix and would definitely be a risk of calcium and potassium depletions... etc etc. My approach has actually been quite steady... just firm. The underlying 6 day a week exercise actually needs to increase to 10-12 miles. My uncle and I are going to do a 2 week, 250 mile stretch of the lower Appalachian Trail in September sometime. I have to have my body geared up and ready to take 20 daily miles with a 60 pound pack well in advance or I will be in deep trouble on the hike. I don't need blisters, weak muscles, lactic acid, and cramps holding up the group. I want to be able to take the trail by storm and enjoy it rather than just be a pain and injury risk. I'm a hiker deep down and 10 miles or so on the treadmill is pretty much just par for the course with me. I'm used to it... I really am.

A lot of people get in trouble with Atkins because they go straight from their grodball eating habits straight into pure protein. Thats the path to disaster. My early proper nutrition based dieting is retraining my body to smothly slide through ketosis and lipolysis upon demand when the situation warrants.

Its not so bad as it seems. I still give my body one day a week with all of the junk I care to eat and no exercise and it seems to be happy with it.
that sounds pretty harsh.
i thought you were going to say you've been sick for a few weeks....

glad that you're not though.
good luck with the routine.
Bah. You're already in good shape. The finish line is all of a 100 yard dash for you while I'm facing a 12 mile jog. Tis no keepin' up for you to be keepin' up with.
I am tired. I had a full night of walking around the club in a red teddy and having all my friends smack my ass with various objects. And heather bit me on the cheek.
Justintime said:
I'm feelin just dandy once again :D all prepared for work on Tuesday and news that i can once again exercise lightly :swing:
I guess he shoulda knocked wood after posting this :eh: