Now, about that whole "Palin is toxic" thing ...

i doubt it. she's really taken to the role of cheerleader... but hey that's the kinda role big daddy phallus would think a girl should be in, so it's totally worked out the way it shoulda. yep, really forwarding gender equality she is... :banana2:
Us tea baggers know to keep our women folk
bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen baking pies

You metro boys let yer women run all over you

or worse yet try to run things

Sorry, we can't all be erudite scholars like you. However, the people who believe like we ignorant neanderthals actually believe in the exceptionalism of our nation & its people. We also understand that the rules were set in place & must be followed in order to maintain our place in history.

On the other hand, you & your learned brethren did give us one thing we can all appreciate....


What is it with you & strong wimmins?

hey i just noticed your snotty remark. thanks, but it's no excuse for your adoration of dimwits.

my objections to palin have nothing to do with the notion of american exceptionalism. (oh, did i mention that my erudite ass has written some papers on american exceptionalism? oh, of course i have. while you were out toiling in the coal mines i was propped up in an ivory tower, spewing forth glorious insights that a troglodyte such as yourself could never understand *puke.*

i didn't give you the national debt. i'm quite upset about it too. if you want to whine about other people doing that to you, fine, be a victim, but don't cast your blame at me.

i dig strong women. just ask any of the ones i've dated, or the one i'm dating now. palin is not a strong woman in my book. she's a raging conformist that simply repeats what she's been told. she couldn;t think her was out of a cardboard box. and most of it is a facade. principles? my ass. she was sucking the teat on the bridge to nowhere just like any good democrat would. and, you know, according to wasilla residents, she doesn't really hunt. sarah the conqueror is a big lie. but y'all eat that shit up. it's like you think that the real john wayne was the guy he played in movies. in real life he was a raging drunk asshole. the real sarah palin is very, very small. but keep worshipping your idols.
one thing is for sure...
whether Palin is toxic or not, she IS definitely polarizing.

She's been a big part of, what I think....and I predict
will be a record braking turn out this election, and one that will have
a massive audience for the results coming in.

I think more people are informed than ever.

It's going to be interesting....riveting even
(oh, did i mention that my erudite ass has written some papers on american exceptionalism? oh, of course i have. while you were out toiling in the coal mines i was propped up in an ivory tower, spewing forth glorious insights that a troglodyte such as yourself could never understand *puke.*

Well your ivory towers failed to teach you. Instead of saying, "I don't like her because XXX" mention their lack of intelligence. Not about one of them but all of them. It seems to be your stock in trade.

You may not have personally given us the national debt but your super-educated highbrow brothers & sisters have. (Hey, if you want to impress us with your superior intellect, you must join them) If those I prefer to run, you know, the real stupid Americans, aren't bright enough, then why can't yours balance a checkbook? Too busy & important? Maybe they still have checks left.
Well your ivory towers failed to teach you. Instead of saying, "I don't like her because XXX" mention their lack of intelligence. Not about one of them but all of them. It seems to be your stock in trade.

You may not have personally given us the national debt but your super-educated highbrow brothers & sisters have. (Hey, if you want to impress us with your superior intellect, you must join them) If those I prefer to run, you know, the real stupid Americans, aren't bright enough, then why can't yours balance a checkbook? Too busy & important? Maybe they still have checks left.

bullshit. if you were looking for a new CEO for your company, would you choose someone that was a conformist, who uncritically spouted the company line, and lacked true executive-level judgement? no. and i learned plenty in that ivory tower. but none of it is necessary to understand who is a dipshit. perhaps you didn't learn that through your GED and your career as hired labor. but what could one expect? it's not like you've ever been party to decisions that could cost millions or billions of dollars.

republicans aren't much better at balancing a checkbook. reagan ran up huge levels of debt. so did bush. i'm not happy about what obama has done. i don't agree at all with the so-called intellectual left. it's nice that you want to, again, blame someone, but cast your bullshit on someone else. really. for the most part, on an economic level, i'm quite conservative. i'm just not looking to cheerleaders to represent my point of view. if you want to lump me in with your imaginary enemy, so be it. but you're barking up the wrong tree, and looking quite foolish as you do. that being said, i realize that the primitive has a need to classify as us against them, black and white. so do your worst.

i manage about half a million dollars worth of business each quarter. i make decisions that reflect a fairly serious penny-pinching, pro-business attitude quite frequently. look in the mirror, capitalist hero.

teenagers have lots of posters in their rooms. need to borrow some double-sided tape?
would you choose someone that was a conformist, who uncritically spouted the company line, and lacked true executive-level judgement

B H Obama, whom you voted for.

As for the rest. Yes'm masta....sorry I upset the great ego. Go right ahead & point to me as your dumb laborer...I can handle it.
like how naive palin is about the world outside of alaska? didn't she just learn that africa is a continent and not a country?

Yeah, I think that is correct. It was about the same time that Obama learned that there are 50 states in the union and not 57. (Actually, he said that he had been to 57 states with one to go.)
manage half a million dollars worth of business each quarter. i make decisions that reflect a fairly serious penny-pinching, pro-business attitude quite frequently.

Shit really that's all we need inside the beltway, if the govt. was run like
a business with the mandate to provide a high quality product within
a balanced budget we’d have no problems at all.
I guess after we rise up and have a bloody civil war to unseat the ruling
class in DC We’ll have Minks as the new George Washington!
sshhhhh, don't say anything. He thinks Reagan spent all this money instead of Congress.
sshhhhh, don't say anything. He thinks Reagan spent all this money instead of Congress.

hey, i guess reagan was a victim of the left just like you then. it's always someone else huh? wow. too bad ronnie didn't have the balls and persistence to stand up to that big, bad congress at all. maybe he shoulda been the leader of france instead! 'cause here in 'merica people take responsibility. well, maybe not everybody.
They tell us what kind of light bulbs to use? WTF?

What we need now is to stand up to an out of control
Federal government which is a greater enemy than
we've ever faced in the history of our nation.
So we're back to the beginning. We're all too stupid to see the trees for the forest.

Well Gomer, here in the forest...

Article II said:
Section. 2.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section. 3.

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States. the only tree that matters.

He can't write checks. Period.
and how many vetos of ronnie's having to do with the federal budget were overridden? you sure the dems were in control of both houses? what did all that deficit come from gonz? seems like you need to brush up on some history before you kneejerk and blame congress.
You will obey imam Obama or face Allah’s wrath

I dunno where you’ve been the last 18 months.
We are living in a brave new world
you know the one we were promised.