Now, about that whole "Palin is toxic" thing ...

and gonz don't forget to keep mentioning the your scripture, 'specially where it's not all that relevant!
Re: You will obey imam Obama or face Allah’s wrath

I dunno where you’ve been the last 18 months.
We are living in a brave new world
you know the one we were promised.

ummmyeah like the tard of the moment erases the tards of the past?
You know how these things end

The mullato of the present has made those before him
look pale by comparison, his accomplishments half
way through his term are unparalleled. Even if his
efforts are stymied for the last half of his term the
nationalism of businesses, the debt and the socialism
of medicine will live on long after he’s gone.

Brush up on my history?

Reagan said, lower taxes & cut spending
Congress said, OK

Congress cut taxes & increased spending.

Reagan did veto some supplementals.

you done whining about obama yet?

You done saying you are a core conservative while continually bashing the right & defending Obama & friends?
Oh...comparing Margaret Thatcher and Sarah Palin? Not just a bit of a stretch, but a whole olympic record stretch.