Now accepting donations for the upkeep of Xi, OTC, and TSS

lame-assed late night telethon solicitor said:
Folks, every contribution is worthwhile. No gift is too large or too small.

Take little Gonz here. Gonz sense trying to gild the lilly I suppose...he's pitiful really. Spent 14 months in a Home for Wayward Televangelists, then was shipped off to the Newt Gingrich Finishing School. Left his mind a tad warped it did. Yet through the generosity of people just like you he's making a remarkable turnaround. OK, maybe remarkable is a bit of a stretch. But still, he's better off now. Trust us.

Then there's the tragic tale of Dave. Dave was born with a birth defect for which there is no known cure. See, Dave's a yankee. Despite the best efforts of medical science to cure him, there is no hope in sight. Without the help of your contribution, Dave and millions like him would live their entire lives like that. *shudder* For his sake, won't you please help?

Or even poor little BOP, who spends her entire day seeking pants to filch. It's a sad obsession, one which quite literally defies even the brightest medical and psychological minds of our time. Your gift could make all the difference for her.

For just $3.07 a day...the cost of a single gallon of gasoline if you shop around too can bring hope to dozens of poor, misguided internet message board junkies who live their meaningless existences forlornly pecking away into the great void of cyberspace. Plus, you might be the one to enable us to buy Winky a &#$@ing fan already.

Please. Give. Thank you. Shalom.

*Disclaimer: No OTC members, real or fictional, were harmed in the making of this post.
Thanks guys its really appreciated.

The reaso it stays in the red is that its set at like 5 or 6 months worth of host bills before it turns yellow.
That and prof knows i hate rattling the can when she gets a little low.
hmm, bee a while for me ?I think.
I'm saving some money from switching web-host. I'll send it your way sam. :)