NOW I'm pissed

How much of a role do you think his new gf is playing in all this. If she's forcing this on him, it'll be a short lived fling. He'll realize what he's done and come crying back.
I don't even know if he has one...I just assume that he does cause...I dunno why, I just do...assume the worst and all that rot.

I've thought of that, pad, I'm sure if there is something going on, it will be shortlived on both their parts...I gotta get myself situated and independent before that happens, so I don't end up falling for his crying.
what an asshole, can i kick his ass and hurt him bad?, something like taking him by the hair and smashing his head against the sidewalk or a car :grumpy:
Y'know Les, the more I hear about this Larry, the more I want to meat him.

And, no, that isn't a typo.
rather I will arrange to forward cheques to you via one of your coworkers on the morning of the 16th, both to cover your rent and your living expenses.

I don't understand that part. Why would you give him any money? He has none?

A couple of things I would be careful about... The locks on the doors, for one. If he has a key, you might want to get them changed. So if he does take his 'personal effects', he doesn't take yours too. Also, do you have a joint bank account? If so, maybe it's time to do something about that too, and get your own. Does he have direct deposit?

By the way, good form. :)
Leslie said:
I don't even know if he has one...I just assume that he does cause...I dunno why, I just do...assume the worst and all that rot.

I've thought of that, pad, I'm sure if there is something going on, it will be shortlived on both their parts...I gotta get myself situated and independent before that happens, so I don't end up falling for his crying.

I guarantee that she is pushing his buttons. Its textbook. Don't ever doubt yourself during this, Leslie. Your last sentence there is all important. I can almost guarantee that sooner or later he will try to confront you in front of the kids. That way, if you don't give in, it looks like you are depriving them of their father. Don't buy it!!!!! In fact, don't let it happen.... You can make it through this, Les. :kiss:
Props to you, Les ... I have to say ... you handled that very very well

Though I dare say I rather like my suggestion of running him over just a little better :D
Thanks for the pats on the back guys...but we can't hurt him, though we might dearly love to...ass or not he's the only dad they've got :retard: *loves na's idea though*

gf, the accounts are in my name only, at the moment his cheques get deposited in there and he has no access, that's how I'm able to keep all but his 200 rent and 100 for himself to have for the next 2 weeks - the rest of it I'm keeping, around 1200 or so...he doesn't have a key, but that is kind of moot, if he wanted in, he'd find a way in, be it breaking in or no :eh:

I just keep a phone near my bed and stay ready to dial 911 if need be. He ain't gonna be happy to find that he's only gettin 300 out of a 1500 dollar cheque :D
he'll change the account into which he gets the deposits, that's for sure.
this is the only one I'm counting on...after that I consider myself on my own.
Maybe Luis. But he's not the smartest critter

Les, I don't wanna hurt him much

I just wanna see him crawl
PuterTutor said:
Still can't believe there are men like this still out there. I thought we evolved.

we did hes not a man. hes a bastard version. luis i say do so but dont make him cry ;)

Leslie said:
I can't believe I was married to it all these years and had no idea!

stupid stupid stupid! *smacking self in forehead*

your not stupid you thought he was a good guy. just like pt thought his ex wife was a good girl now you guys know better. :hug: hope he gets his head outta his ass cause all hes doin is spewin shit