Now I'm really freaking


Well-Known Member
I agree with the eu, again?:trippin:
Europeans: U.S. Should Give Up Control of Internet
STRASBOURG, France — The United States has too much control over the Internet and needs to give it up, a European Union bureaucrat declared Monday.

EU Information Society Commissioner Viviane Reding, a Luxembourgian, called for "full privatization" of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), demanding that it be removed from the supervision of the U.S. Department of Commerce when its operating agreement expires on Sept. 30.

"In the long run, it is not defendable that the government department of only one country has oversight of an Internet function which is used by hundreds of millions of people in countries all over the world," said Reding in a statement.

She purports to be calling for less, not more, government involvement in the Internet, using a free-market argument against the Commerce Department's control of ICANN.,2933,518808,00.html
The part where it's suggested that one country has oversight. Their real bitch is that it's not them. Last time I looked, the Net was developed as a military project by one country. It's then branched and spread, but I don't recall any of those other countries paying royalties for the use.

and how, pray tell, do they suggest that it be managed? Like the EU ... who's respective members are running scared and wishing they'd never suggested one united currency?
The way I understand it is that the internet was mainly created by the universities.?(

Don't want the eu managing either.
or eu style.

Each country should manage their own IPs.
Within those ip ranges, or other identification options later, should
be companies that manage databases that periodically update national
databases it the respective in countries.
Each country can then decide what info sharing they feel comfortable with.
The part where it's suggested that one country has oversight. Their real bitch is that it's not them. Last time I looked, the Net was developed as a military project by one country. It's then branched and spread, but I don't recall any of those other countries paying royalties for the use.

and how, pray tell, do they suggest that it be managed? Like the EU ... who's respective members are running scared and wishing they'd never suggested one united currency?
The net is a damn sight larger and more useful than it ever was in military, or even University hands...
I think that they're suggesting that it not be managed at all. Hub by Hub maintenance by ISPs.
This business hating proposal of his is not even getting acceptance by members of his own party in the Congress.

Actually it's a good plan and not anti business at all. Also seems to be getting pretty wide approval from the public so far.

He is a greedy, business hating, class warfare promoting, commie bastard.

Anyone who is actually against closing tax loopholes and making companies pay their fair share of taxes is a freedom hating, class warfare promoting, paranoid fascist dickhead.

"From the outside, there's no way to see that Ugland House is the official address of 18,857 companies, writes Saskia Scholtes . The white and green-trimmed five-storey office building, singled out by Barack Obama, on the George Town, Grand Cayman, waterfront has only one tenant: Maples and Calder, a law firm and company services provider.

Like dozens of law firms operating in tax havens, Maples and Calder help their international clientele avoid some US taxes by creating offshore entities, establishing trusts or opening checking and savings accounts."

It'll be great to see this shit stopped. :thumbup:
Actually it's a good plan and not anti business at all. Also seems to be getting pretty wide approval from the public so far.

Anyone who is actually against closing tax loopholes and making companies pay their fair share of taxes is a freedom hating, class warfare promoting, paranoid fascist dickhead.

"From the outside, there's no way to see that Ugland House is the official address of 18,857 companies, writes Saskia Scholtes . The white and green-trimmed five-storey office building, singled out by Barack Obama, on the George Town, Grand Cayman, waterfront has only one tenant: Maples and Calder, a law firm and company services provider.

Like dozens of law firms operating in tax havens, Maples and Calder help their international clientele avoid some US taxes by creating offshore entities, establishing trusts or opening checking and savings accounts."

It'll be great to see this shit stopped. :thumbup:

Unfair taxation and poorly written laws is what caused this in the first place. While the U.S. companies are paying the highest corporate tax on the planet (35%), because of greedy politicians like Obama, the rest of the world averages out at about 10%. They don't get taxed until the money comes into the U.S. so the money is held offshore so they can use it to build other foreign interests.

If the tax rate in the U.S. were competitive with the rest of the world this wouldn't have to happen. The U.S. government believes that all earned monies are theirs; and they only let us keep part of it at their pleasure. We are merely a big treasure chest from which they can scoop whatever they wish from it as they see fit.
Unfair taxation and poorly written laws is what caused this in the first place.

Nope, leaving loopholes open and the availability of tax havens is what caused this.

If the tax rate in the U.S. were competitive with the rest of the world this wouldn't have to happen.

Nope, the US is actually the most business friendly. Competitiveness Report/index.htm

The problem is between 1998 and 2005 “about two-thirds of corporations operating in the United States did not pay taxes.”

The U.S. government believes that all earned monies are theirs; and they only let us keep part of it at their pleasure. We are merely a big treasure chest from which they can scoop whatever they wish from it as they see fit.

That is something you entirely made up and not real.
I'm not an Obama-hater, but I don't know how he plans to increase corporate taxation and promote economic growth at the same time. That issue bugged me throughout his whole campaign. We're going to force companies to make new jobs by taxing them more?! I mean, you could learn economics from wikipedia, and you'd still know that if you take money away from a company, they're probably going to lay people off. It's harder to liquidate excess equipment and property (especially when property values are down so low) than it is to just lay off a bunch of people. Especially if they're currently not paying taxes at all. Do you think most companies can handle a sudden jump from 0% tax to 35% tax without crumbling?

We've all learned from Herbert Hoover - if the economy is down, the last thing you want to do is increase taxes on corporations in an attempt to balance the federal budget.

I don't know about you guys, but I like a booming economy, low unemployment, and massive federal debt more than I like an economic recession, massive unemployment, and a large federal debt.
Nope, leaving loopholes open and the availability of tax havens is what caused this.

nope, there's always been some holes, but the last 2 admins open it up even more, instead of less.

to: JP
and I don't hate business, I just have to go with what is right and good.
Business will adapt. They did to get to this point.
I don't know about you guys, but I like a booming economy, low unemployment, and massive federal debt more than I like an economic recession, massive unemployment, and a large federal debt.

too late... for a while on many issues.