Now That I Am 30 Years Old..

Squigs - come sit here on my lap and tell me what's wrong?

(tonksy - there was nothing wrong with mine's stick.....and it was rather fun to teach him where everything goes ;)
:eek: No gun trading?! That's un American!

I serioulsy need to get around to getting my concealed carry license and then get a nice little girly purse lightweight handgun.
chcr said:
BTW, Hoon, kid. Where in upstate New York are you from. I grew up upstate.

I'm about a half hour north of Watertown.
A couple of hours north of Syracuse.
Rose said:
:eek: No gun trading?! That's un American!

I serioulsy need to get around to getting my concealed carry license and then get a nice little girly purse lightweight handgun.

Yeah, but I can get awy with it, since I'm not American ;)

LOL - unc, as long as you clean that gun before you shoot it!

(Always have been a fan of a man who can handle heavy weapons)