Now THAT was embarrasing


Well-Known Member
So..I took a short walk during my lunch...shorter than I thought.

I notice two local ladies from some other company walking towards me on the sidewalk. They're dressed nicely and...


The shorter one is wearing a white skirt, it's a sunny day and OMG...she's going commando (no underwear to be seen). The sun is so bright and the material of her skirt is so cheap that I can see EVERYTHING!!

I tried to avert my eyes while trying to figure out if I was going to tell her about her accidental show or just let her walk past me and check out the bare butt. :confused:

Her friend is obviously oblivious to her friend's situation...either that or she knows and doesn't really like this girl.

I ended up stopping her and saying something like "Pardon me, but did you know that your skirt was THAT transparent?" *in French, of course.

Stupid question really...if she knew, she would've at least put on some underwear or something.

She looks down and obviously can't see a thing...the angle's wrong. She looks up at me like I'm trying to fuck with her mind.

So, now I'm trying not to look at her crotch and pointing. "No, it really IS transparent!"

Her friend looks angry at me, takes a few steps forward and turns to have a look herself so that she can prove to her friend that I'm lying.

The look that crossed her face...the would-be nudist must've registered it quite well, and it clicked that she wasn't wearing underwear.

Her face turned 4 shades of red, she dropped her hands front and back, screamed and started running away.

I must've been flushed as well...

I'M feeling embarrassed for her, embarrassed for myself for having had to stop her and for her reaction.

I think that I'll shut my yap next time. It's easier with guys... the fly's tell a guy that he's flying at half-mast. He fixes it and you never talk about it again.

She did have a nice ass tho' :shrug:

How would you have dealt with that situation??
I'd have let her go on.

It's funny. :shrug: She just shouldn't be so stoopid.

The guys on the bus on her way home will have some fun.
If it was a bra showing through a blouse, or even if she had been wearing white panties, I might've just let it go...but she was effectively starkers.:eek5:

SnP - pointing downwards and saying "Nice bush!" would've done it, no matter what language she spoke. ;)
Leslie said:
I'd have let her go on.

It's funny. :shrug: She just shouldn't be so stoopid.

The guys on the bus on her way home will have some fun.
I would have let her go on too, but then I'm no buzzkiller.'s a strictly American French equivalent....even to the word ;)

So...y'all are saying that I should've let it go, or at best, taken a picture?
Taking the picture has a lot of possibilities...
Actualy you saved her a lot of embaressment later by telling her about it, it's not your fault their minds had been in the gutter...
Would have told her too, then I would have asked for her number and then I would have gotten my slap.