Back to trolling?
You just have nothing useful or intelligent to say ever huh? All you can aspire to is the little house troll we kick around?
I am not your troll, you do not kick me around even as
grand and
important as you judge you are.
I won’t inconvenience you with my many ongoing success’ in life, other than to say I shell out taxes, quarterly, in large sums.
What is significant, and has great value you may not grasp; I am a father of FIVE top-shelf daughters, husband to my one and only-ever wife (female too boot). We would make you sick, we’re like ‘little house on the prairie’. So clearly, I see my time as being far more precious than yours.
My moral life is not affected the odd issues of the self-oppressed left; I am happy because I work hard for my family, with my family. I have no need for the Gov’t to make me equitable in this world, I do that my own. I have no time for your ilk of Soros puppets to tell me “the facts” when I live in world that has a natural order of truths that become evident.
I have none of oddities of issues the lefty's have; my life is both moral and self-reliant.
It's been well noted fact by many, that discussing anything with you is a
waste of time.
You have a mindset that is so deeply programmed that even the simplest points are beyond your progressive and tolerant acceptance.
You make great efforts to avoid, interject, go-wide, go-short, nit-pick, evade, obscure, generalize, change context, select, misrepresent, and have an arrogant attitude of absolution of your many hypocrisies’, all the while you feel others cannot interject facts or opinions freely.
Oh babay you’re so slick....
I read your post, I see your static agenda, its the same faithful idiom as read all over the inner-webs by hate filled lefty's that have no tolerance for opposition; hate machines that never miss an opportunity to spread abhorrence for Christians, belittle anyone that opposes global warming, and make sport of dead soldiers to promote the hatred of what has become to be known as Bush Derangement Syndrome.
If I had a need for hate so I could feel morally superior, and a need to feel as if I was a part of
something grand and important, If I allowed myself to fall into the programming of the left, If I was narrow minded and shallow enough to get my information from compiled sources for the sole purposes of promoting agendas’ of hatred and intolerance…. I would believe as you do.
I don’t…
- Bush believed the same WMD points as Bill and Hillary.
- It’s a global war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq are two fronts of it, it goes on elsewhere also in different forms.
- GWB came into his presidency with a recession looming, had the largest (not the first) terror attack that killed over 3000 innocent civilians. (by islamo-terrorist)
- Fighting a war that I feel is just and statistically successful by any reasonable standard.
- The Gov’t made nobody buy a home they couldn’t afford.
- Global warming has no consensus.
.... but your George Soros issued jack-boots are laced too tight to know any of this.
So you just keep tooling as you do, mindlessly with manufactured moral superiority. Keep us all abreast of the state of our lives according to your ideological masters, as we are unable to see what a truly horrible existence we have without your guidance.
...have another cuppa 'bamboozle' flavored kool-aid.
Create the illusion, keep it alive.
Promote hate for the greater good, never work hard for the betterment of today, dwell on the past.
Good luck with that my friend; as I qwickly tire of being negative with you, but you are like the energizer-bunny of disparagement.
/waste of my valuable time.
off to plant some bare root folage’z’z, with my family that seems to be already covered with wet gooey mulch, back to the good life…in the
real world...