Nuclear Iran


molṑn labé
Staff member
Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed Thursday that Iran won't back away from uranium enrichment and said the world must treat Iran as a nuclear power. the comments were made as Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, arrived in Tehran for talks aimed at defusing tensions over Iran's nuclear program.

"Our answer to those who are angry about Iran achieving the full nuclear fuel cycle is just one phrase. We say: Be angry at us and die of this anger," the official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.


War? Or will Israel & Europe be forever under the umbrella of a nuclear threat unlike the cold war. Then, the Soviet Union knew of, considered & feared MAD. Iran is a nation of smart, ambitious people who have had their leadership stolen by zealots.

Oh, who thinks that Iran is not pursuing or has not already gotten their hands on nuclear stuff, raise your hands if this is a BushCo conspiracy.
In the game of wolrd politcs, one won't begin spouting off until one is fully prepared to back up their assertions. Meaning, I wonder how many bombs Iran has, not when will they have one.

Iran said it could defeat any American military action over its controversial nuclear drive, in one of the Islamic regime's boldest challenges yet to the United States.

"You can start a war but it won't be you who finishes it," said General Yahya Rahim Safavi, the head of the Revolutionary Guards and among the regime's most powerful figures.

Gonz said:
In the game of wolrd politcs, one won't begin spouting off until one is fully prepared to back up their assertions. Meaning, I wonder how many bombs Iran has, not when will they have one.


i don't know if i buy that. seems like we hear a lot of big talk from that part of the world without a lot to back it up.
Although I m not a big fan of Iran, I don't think they have the right equipement to make the fuel for the bomb, if they were making a nuke it would take them years to produce enough enriched uranium for one bomb...
Gonz said:
Oh, who thinks that Iran is not pursuing or has not already gotten their hands on nuclear stuff, raise your hands if this is a BushCo conspiracy.

Ohhh I still remember those mobile WMDs in Iraq.....
So does virtually every other country in the world, Luis. It was common knowledge. Question remains...where are they now? we want to find out right after Luxembourg becomes equivalent to Hiroshima? Or before?
Gonz said:
So does virtually every other country in the world, Luis. It was common knowledge. Question remains...where are they now?

So you actually believe those existed? :lol:
Luis G said:
So you actually believe those existed? :lol:

Exists still.

Where is the public outrage? This character running Iran sounds just like the Third Reich. The difference is, HItler hadn't quite invented the A-Bomb & wouldn't have used it so near his home. This fanatic will.
So what are the chances that Iran builds a bomb and a cruise missile able to hit the US (which is located on the other side of the world)??

Producing light enriched uranium is far easier than producing heavy enriched uranium. Since producing either is quite a task, I doubt Iran has made it to the heavy stage (you know the one used to build bombs).
They've already shown their missile capability. I'm not real concerned about them attacking the US, at this point, using missile technology. Israel, on the other hand, is in their backyard...and Europe is around the corner. Add to that the possibility of their handniog over nuclear material to terrorists, to attack the US.

Once again (or still) the world is under threat form a muslim extremist.
Luis G said:
So you actually believe those existed? :lol:

They did, and still do, Luis. They captured several, and were reported in the press before it was swept under the rug.
TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) -- Some 200 Iranians have volunteered in the past few days to carry out "martyrdom missions" against U.S. and British interests around the world if Iran is attacked, a hard-line group said Sunday.

Stop and consider for one nanosecond what a nation
that attempts to oppose the United States faces
on the battle field.

Firstly, you do not enjoy air superiority even in your own country.

Second, when the boots are on the ground
it is your ground and you can not win any battles

and third in most cases you will have no allies in the world community

none at least that will attack the U.S. on your behalf.

there is the issue that faced even Japan and Germany going
back to WWII you can not mount a credible offensive against
the American homeland.

Talk about being in a fight that you've already lost before it has begun!

Nope, Iran is a non-issue.
Winky said:
Nope, Iran is a non-issue.

To us? Probably.
To many of our allies? Bullshit. Iran is, or is becoming, a major problem.

As little as a couple of years back, the people of Iran were on th everge of revolt. They needed a helping hand, a kickstart. They got one with the Iraq battle. Unfortuantely, before anything of value happened, the Iranian stormtroopers began shutting down any & all avenues of information to the Iranian people. They are now almost as lost as Kim Jung Ils misfit society. Too bad too, they knew not to destroy their artifacts.
eye ran is surrounded and is opposed by nearly everyone

they are a backward buncha 7th century idiots livin'
in mud huts that collapse with a minor tremor

They be a non-issue

the boogey man of Is lame oh terroism
is a sad replacement for the Soviet threat

Hell I'm at greater peril from all these illegals
driving around here like krazy meeskins than
some jihad johnny coming to explode on me!