Nuclear Iran

Winky said:
Well then U.S. petrol is closing in on canucki prices
we gotta find out what the price for the golden go
juice is for Starya and convert to American prices!
It helps that your dollar is dropping...or rather that ours is rising closer to .90US all the damn time.

Off hand, I'd say that AuntiEm's is higher by a fair margin.
I paid $3.07 a gallon for regular unleaded yesterday. I'd be curious to see what the cost would be here and in Canada if the taxes are all taken out of the equation.
Whether or not Ahmedenijad is insane enough to nuke Israel is irrelevant because he does not have the authority to do so. The clerics hold all the power and quite likely would prefer to hold on to that power.

The problem with Iran and the bomb is that the country would be able increase its influence in the region, influence that would be incredibly difficult to counter.
Would not proliferation of nuclear materials to terrorist groups
(of which Iran is arguably a current supporter)
indeed be the biggest and most serious threat that a nuclear Iran
would pose to the United States?

Hell it is bad enough that North Korea
is supposed to have about a half a dozen
nuclear warheads (thanks Billy Clinton).
Luis G said:
Ohhh I still remember those mobile WMDs in Iraq.....

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that experts on a Pentagon-sponsored mission who examined the trailers concluded that they had nothing to do with biological weapons and sent their findings to Washington in a classified report on May 27, 2003.

“The lead suggested that what the president was saying was based on something that had been debunked, and that is not true,” McClellan said. “In fact, the president was saying something that was based on what the intelligence community — through the CIA and DIA — were saying.”
No wait this about Iran and the 'fact'
that they who sit on an ocean of oil
need to enrich uranium for
'peaceful purposes'?
Winky said:
No wait this about Iran and the 'fact'
that they who sit on an ocean of oil
need to enrich uranium for
'peaceful purposes'?

Yes it is about Iran,but military force is going to be useless unless you know what/where to target.If Iraq has taught the world one thing is the US can't be believed that it knows where things are .An attack is just going to piss off everyone in the Middle East including Iraq making the troops ther more of a target. All military action against Iran is going to do is throw the region into greater turmoil ,since there is know way that they

(comp is automatically logging me off ,I hope to finish ,if I can get back online)
A.B.Normal said:
Yes it is about Iran,but military force is going to be useless unless you know what/where to target.If Iraq has taught the world one thing is the US can't be believed that it knows where things are .An attack is just going to piss off everyone in the Middle East including Iraq making the troops ther more of a target. All military action against Iran is going to do is throw the region into greater turmoil ,since there is know way that they

(comp is automatically logging me off ,I hope to finish ,if I can get back online)

Hmm...interesting thought...
Yeah, but you have all those social services to fall back on. Of course, in order to fund those, they have to make sure you're so strapped you have to use 'em....