Nuestro himno: US anthem in spanish

tabarnaque/tabarnak! (interjection) † Goddam it! note [ta'barnak] Literally, the Tabernacle, the place where the Eucharist is kept in a Roman Catholic church.
Winky said:
tabarnaque/tabarnak! (interjection) † Goddam it! note [ta'barnak] Literally, the Tabernacle, the place where the Eucharist is kept in a Roman Catholic church.

oui, c'est tabernaque.

I ain't french BTW, I wasn't even born in Quebec...

it's funny I was born in the same hospital as Leslie, in ONTARIO!!

(and 4 hours from toronto)
So whut on Gawd's frozen tundra difference
does it possibly make?

The white boi in the desert doesn’t comprenez
the crucial difference...
Winky said:
So whut on Gawd's frozen tundra difference
does it possibly make?

The white boi in the desert doesn’t comprenez
the crucial difference...
Ask SnP the difference between born Southern and born in Boston and you'll get a better idea, Winky.

There's more than just geography between Quebec and Ontario.
Winky said:
and that would be...
Well...among other things.

Language primarily used
Religiousness - more Catholics, less protestants
Quebec is more liberal politically and socially (example? Nudity during a soap opera won't get you a double-take in Quebec)
Swearing is not based on sexuality like in english( ie. fuck, cocksucker), but religious terminology (tabarnaque, calice, hostie *Tabernacle, chalice, host*)

its a lot to type out. Let's just say that we don't exactly think along the same lines.
Gee, less differences between us
Americans and the illegal Mexicans in this country!
President Bush, 4/28/06:

I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English.

But in his book American Dynasty, Kevin Phillips notes that during Bush’s first presidential campaign, he would often sing the national anthem in Spanish. From pg. 142:

When visiting cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, or Philadelphia, in pivotal states, he would drop in at Hispanic festivals and parties, sometimes joining in singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” in Spanish, sometimes partying with a “Viva Bush” mariachi band flown in from Texas.