Nuke Bush


New Member
WASHINGTON -- A new strategy document from the Bush administration contains a blunt warning for anyone who might hit America with chemical or biological weapons.

It says the United States is ready to retaliate with "overwhelming force" -- including nuclear weapons.

It also reiterates America's longstanding threats that use of such weapons against the United States, its forces or allies could bring a nuclear response.

Umm... A chest thumping broad declaration of nuclear retaliation has been part of the standard policy and speechmaking for 52 years now. This is nothing new.
I don't see the point...? We all know that if you use a WMD on Israel they will return the favor... And so will we. Thats why we built them. Whats the problem?
PuterTutor said:
I think Bush just felt the need to remind a few people.

He's obviously run out of anything new to say so he's just repeating himself..... oh hang on, he always does that.:)
Look at them...They are animals. They wake up in the morning just to kill each other. We had better destroy them all before there aren't any left...:rolleyes:
No president has uttered an original word in decades. Its all handled in prepackaged freeze dried soundbytes by an army of speech writers. They ALL do it.
unclehobart said:
No president has uttered an original word in decades. Its all handled in prepackaged freeze dried soundbytes by an army of speech writers. They ALL do it.

Yes I know, that's what I mean... they're ALL boooooooring! They should chuck in a bit of sex or some clandestine sneaking about to liven things up.... oh hang on... didn't Clinton and Nixon do that... there really is NOTHING new under the sun... especially in politics! :( :sleep:
We need a single President who can parade an army women in front of the camera every night.. perhaps do a nude speech live from the swinging prez hot tub stuffed with porn stars.
yeah, the transcription from thought to english didn't work this time :D

John Doe is a citizen, he has 21 years, can he be a president?
Nope, 36 is the low age for pres. I'm not sure what else the requirements are.