NYC Cop Charged for Not Arresting Homeless


Well-Known Member
NEW YORK - The police department put an officer on trial Wednesday for refusing to arrest a homeless man who was sleeping in a parking garage.
Eduardo Delacruz, 39, could be kicked off the force if an administrative judge finds him guilty of failing to obey a lawful order.
The incident occurred in November 2002 shortly after the department adopted a zero-tolerance policy to violations by homeless people.
An attorney for Delacruz, Norman Siegel, accused officials of punishing his client for following his conscience. Delacruz "saw the homeless as people and showed them dignity and respect," Siegel said.
Police lawyer David Green argued that Delacruz's personal beliefs are "completely irrelevant" and the case "begins and ends with the refusal of an order."
The officer told reporters outside court that he hoped to keep his badge.
"I'm a good police officer," he said.

Kudos to this cop for doing the right thing!
so far for thinking and acting on orders...(see gato's other thread)

and btw, november 2002? could things go any slower? :rolleyes:
Delacruz's personal beliefs are "completely irrelevant" and the case "begins and ends with the refusal of an order."

Always assuming they are breaking a law.
Once this case is wrapped up, the question of how to deal with the homeless will still remain. There will still not be enough shelters, there will still be people living on the streets, and there will still be people who refuse to do anything about it because it's not happening in their neighborhood (NIMBY's).